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Everything posted by xXxExosoulerxXx

  1. Look here patch your system after give it to your friend and tell me the results !!! :)
  2. if you know the link of course :) Feelmyspells tell me the song that u want to play your website to find the link for you!!!
  3. file mou gia na doulepsei to start/stop prepei na exeis klisto to Mysql gt alios den 8a borei na anixei.epwmenos klise to mysql meta stop.bat kai meta start.bat. elpizw na voi8isa!!!
  4. Also u should open port (80) (it isn't necessary for all Routers because some Rooters open this port automatically)
  5. exofil you said that someone stole your acount how u can log in?
  6. A-style amazing share good job thank you!!!!
  7. Your ip=xx.xxx.xxx Your server's vote link=http://l2.hopzone.net/vote.php?site=xxxxx so when you see xx.xxx.xxx delete it and add your ip and when you see http://l2.hopzone.net/vote.php?site=xxxxx delete it and add Your server's vote link Vote code goes from top to down on leftside Here is the code : if (!document.layers) document.write('<div id="divStayTopLeft" style="position:absolute">') </script> <layer id="divStayTopLeft"> <table border="1" width="75" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" > <tr> <td width="75%" bgcolor="#638abd"> <embed src="http://l2.hopzone.net/hopzone_status.swf?serveru1=xx.xxx.xxx&serveru2=xx.xxx.xxx&portu1=2106&portu2=7777" width="113" height="22" align="left" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" bgcolor="#638abd"> </embed> </td> <tr> <td width="75%" bgcolor="#739173"> <p align=center><a href="http://l2.hopzone.net/vote.php?site=xxxxx"><img src="http://images.hopzone.net/lineage2/votebanners/lineage2-90x60-1.gif" alt="Vote us in HopZone.Net" width="90" height="60" border="0"></a><br><a href="http://l2.hopzone.net"><img src="http://images.hopzone.net/base/HopZone.gif" alt="HopZone.Net - Free Lineage2 Servers" border="0"></a></p> </td> </tr> </table> </layer> <script type="text/javascript"> //Enter "frombottom" or "fromtop" var verticalpos="fromtop" if (!document.layers) document.write('</div>') function JSFX_FloatTopDiv() { var startX = 3, startY = 150; var ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1); var d = document; function ml(id) { var el=d.getElementById?d.getElementById(id):d.all?d.all[id]:d.layers[id]; if(d.layers)el.style=el; el.sP=function(x,y){this.style.left=x;this.style.top=y;}; el.x = startX; if (verticalpos=="fromtop") el.y = startY; else{ el.y = ns ? pageYOffset + innerHeight : document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight; el.y -= startY; } return el; } window.stayTopLeft=function() { if (verticalpos=="fromtop"){ var pY = ns ? pageYOffset : document.body.scrollTop; ftlObj.y += (pY + startY - ftlObj.y)/8; } else{ var pY = ns ? pageYOffset + innerHeight : document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight; ftlObj.y += (pY - startY - ftlObj.y)/8; } ftlObj.sP(ftlObj.x, ftlObj.y); setTimeout("stayTopLeft()", 10); } ftlObj = ml("divStayTopLeft"); stayTopLeft(); } JSFX_FloatTopDiv(); </script> Vote code goes from top to down on rightside if (!document.layers) document.write('<div id="divStayTopRight" style="position:absolute">') </script> <layer id="divStayTopRight"> <table border="1" width="75" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" > <tr> <td width="75%" bgcolor="#638abd"> <embed src="http://l2.hopzone.net/hopzone_status.swf?serveru1=xx.xxx.xxx=xx.xxx.xxx&portu1=2106&portu2=7777" width="113" height="22" align="Right" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" bgcolor="#638abd"> </embed> </td> <tr> <td width="75%" bgcolor="#739173"> <p align=center><a href="http://l2.hopzone.net/vote.php?site=xxxxx"><img src="http://images.hopzone.net/lineage2/votebanners/lineage2-90x60-1.gif" alt="Vote us in HopZone.Net" width="90" height="60" border="0"></a><br><a href="http://l2.hopzone.net"><img src="http://images.hopzone.net/base/HopZone.gif" alt="HopZone.Net - Free Lineage2 Servers" border="0"></a></p> </td> </tr> </table> </layer> <script type="text/javascript"> //Enter "frombottom" or "fromtop" var verticalpos="fromtop" if (!document.layers) document.write('</div>') function JSFX_FloatTopDiv() { var startX = 3, startY = 150; var ns = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") != -1); var d = document; function ml(id) { var el=d.getElementById?d.getElementById(id):d.all?d.all[id]:d.layers[id]; if(d.layers)el.style=el; el.sP=function(x,y){this.style.Right=x;this.style.top=y;}; el.x = startX; if (verticalpos=="fromtop") el.y = startY; else{ el.y = ns ? pageYOffset + innerHeight : document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight; el.y -= startY; } return el; } window.stayTopRight=function() { if (verticalpos=="fromtop"){ var pY = ns ? pageYOffset : document.body.scrollTop; ftlObj.y += (pY + startY - ftlObj.y)/8; } else{ var pY = ns ? pageYOffset + innerHeight : document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight; ftlObj.y += (pY - startY - ftlObj.y)/8; } ftlObj.sP(ftlObj.x, ftlObj.y); setTimeout("stayTopRight()", 10); } ftlObj = ml("divStayTopRight"); stayTopRight(); } JSFX_FloatTopDiv(); </script> credits to Crazyrabbit
  8. here is the html code: <embed src="http://billbrownmusic.com/soundBB/L2_Battle_3nc.mp3" autostart="true" loop="true" width="2" height="0"> </embed> Trailer Music - from "Lineage II: Chronicle 2: Age of Splendor" download Link:http://billbrownmusic.com/soundBB/L2C2_TrailerMusic.mp3 Temple of the Moon - from "Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle" download Link:http://billbrownmusic.com/soundBB/L2_Dungeon_3nc.mp3 Intro - The Call of Destiny - from "Lineage II: the Chaotic Chronicle" download Link:http://billbrownmusic.com/soundBB/L2_Intro_FULLMIX.mp3 Knighting Ceremony - from "Lineage II: Chronicle 2" download Link:http://billbrownmusic.com/soundBB/L2C2_knighting_ceremony.mp3 Forest Calling - from "Lineage II: Chronicle 2" download Link:http://billbrownmusic.com/soundBB/L2C2_forest_calling.mp3 Crossroad at Dawn - from "Lineage II: Chronicle 2" download Link:http://billbrownmusic.com/soundBB/L2C2_Crossroad_at_Dawn.mp3 Tower of Oman - from "Lineage II: Chronicle 2" download Link:http://billbrownmusic.com/soundBB/L2C2_tower_of_oman.mp3 Battle - Final Conflict - from "Lineage II: the Chaotic Chronicle" download Link:http://billbrownmusic.com/soundBB/L2_Battle_3nc.mp3 if you want to change the music that i have add to the html code.u only change embed src with a link of music what you want .:Best Rewards:. xXxExosoulerxXx
  9. :O respect this guide.someone give him -1 karma because he tried to steal another job to take karma :( ( AGAIN )
  10. epomenws to ucoz einai to kalitero opws eipe kai o filos moy o xxrxx
  11. Hello you are welcome and i hope you learn everything u want to learn :)
  12. mipws enoei me diskw??(php) an nai prwta apo ola prepei na anixeis ports( 80 )klise FW and allaxe config of diskw with server info(ip ktlp) an 8es ena kalo diskw pantws(me tin enia tou php site kai tin xrisis toy) to exeis!!!! Diskw 4 you !!!!!!:P
  13. GG patch to patch IL and kamael system credits:crazyrabbit Y.P i confused and i posted this topic on l2jdevelopement plz a mod moved it to client moding.Ty!!!
  14. Well i made this tutorial so that i can help at this part of client side modification.I know those all that i write have been already said in forum but well i hope this is more compiled and it can help both new and old members.Anyway there it goes... 1) Download the DecPack from HERE 2) Patch the system with patcher 3) Now we will decrypt the desired file.Lets say for example systemmsg-e.dat Opem cmd.exe and type: l2encdec.exe -s systemmsg-e.dat and u will get this http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/8793/22du2.jpg[/img] Now u will have a file named dec-systemmsg-e 4) Delete the systemmsg-e.dat and rename the dec-systemmsg-e.dat to systemmsg-e.dat 5) Now from the following part there are 3 ways to decode/encode the dat files,the two are with L2clientdat and the other with L2asm/disasm Way 1 We will do this with L2Clientdat_en or L2Clientdatfull (its the same thing) a) Open the L2ClientDat_en (of the pack folder) and do Decode of systemmsg-e.dat.Now u will get a txt file with name systemmsg-e. b) Open the txt and change whatever u want http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/5774/47zv.jpg[/img] c) Do your changes and save the txt d) Open again L2ClientDat_en ,choose systemmsg-e and press encode ----------------- Way 2 On way 2 we will use L2ClientDat.exe. a) With the pack there are 2 folders with names "cn"and "en".There are the txt of some .dat files.Lets say u want to change something in the systemmsg-e.dat. b) Open the txt inside the en folder and change the thing u want in the systemmsg-e.txt and save it c) Open now the L2ClientDat.exe and choose from english the systemmsg-e.dat d) Now press restore and u are done ---------------------- Way 3 Now we will use l2asm/disasm a) Open cmd.exe and type: l2disasm.exe -d c4\zonename-e.ddf zonename-e.dat zonename.txt and u will get this b) U will have now a txt with name zonename.txt.Open it and do the changes u want and save it c) Now open cmd.exe and type this: l2asm.exe -d c4\zonename-e.ddf zonename.txt zonename-e.dat ---------------------- 6) Now time for the header.When u will have the encoded files (using one of the 3 ways) u open cmd.exe and type this: l2encdec.exe -h 413 systemmsg-e.dat http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/631/60mv.jpg[/img] With this u will get a file named enc-systemmsg-e (.dat file) and its the one we want 7) Delete the systemmsg-e.dat file that u have and rename enc-systemmsg-e to systemmsg-e (it must be 33,9 kb) Ok thats it you are done.With this way u can change whatever .dat,.ini,.int files (for the .ini or .int files u dont need to decode/encode just decrypt-change-encrypt) Note:Some ppl say that for those -s doesnt work on decryption.Try -g Credits:Alexandros source:postpacific URL UPDATED!
  15. It's pretty fun when you have a lot of people. It gets really old summoning mobs although especially in large groups. What we have done is come up with a list of mobs we liked, from level 17-84 and we put them into groups in the npcpos and we just simply load and unload the events through GM command. this is a small and easy share i know, but it might save someone the time of coming up with something similar. btw the command is //npcpos_event event_col_* on/off *=numbers 1-22 here Credits:BRuTALHiTMAN and Kitiara and RedRobin Source:postpacific
  16. Something really sinmple i made for seeing a preview of a new HTML file as it would appear in game. I created it so that i could debug html's before they went in game e.g spelling, highlights etc. Also it's good for noobies who dont normally code anything for the server but will do some grunt work if asked. Starting a new HTML. 1) Type in the NPC name 2) Press "Start HTML" 3) Start typing the contents 4) To start a new paragraph type "<br>" and press enter on to a new line. 5) To either Highlight some text, or make the some text into a link, hightlight the text you want to change and click the button at the top accoring to what you want to do. 6) Click "Finish HTML" and the ending code will be added to close the HTML. L2 html editor Credits:Tilluss Source:http://www.postpacific.com
  17. are you serious????????i took -1 karma because i hadn't writen credtis at the end but at the start!!! LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ok ....
  18. ******************************************************************** -- List Shop.ID Custom Vendors - Lineage II - By Crispy 2007 -- ******************************************************************** it isn't credit???to understand i must put credit? ok .....soz for putting by rathen than credit my fault....this is my fault because i look for everything and share with you and someone give me - karma without looking well the topic i had put credits using by and name of owner but a mod give me -karma BECAUSE I DIDN;T WRITE CREDITS !@#$%^&*()_+ OMFG
  19. Όλα αυτά δουλέυουν για L2j Kamael. Κάποια και για Interlude. Μην με ρωτήσει κανείς γιατί κάτι δεν δουλεύει και χρησιμοποιεί C3 Files. Αρχεία Οδηγός Πως να φτιάξετε έναν L2j Server βασισμένο σε καθαρό L2j. General Customs Buffs 1 ώρα διάρκεια . Μόνο τα Buffs είναι μία ώρα διάρκεια όχι τα self-buffs. Τα skills ανανεώνονται συχνά, χρησιμοποιείστε ένα πρόγραμμα diff (όπως το WinMerge) για να δείτε τι έχει αλλάξει. Φτιαγμένα από εμένα. Custom Spawnlists Για την GK, το GM Shop και για όλα μαζί τα NPC που παρέχω, σε κάθε πόλη. 3 διαφορετικά αρχεία για αυτές τις 3εις λύσεις. Φτιαγμένα από εμένα. Delete Preacher and Orator Διαγράφει από τα Spawn εκέινα τα NPC που είναι σαν φαντάσματα μέσα στις πόλεις (και αγνοώ την χρήση τους). Πολύ χρήσιμο. Φτιαγμένο από εμένα. Custom NPC NPC Buffer Είναι Quest-Based και δουλέυει σχεδόν τέλεια (κάποια buffs για κάποιο λόγο αφού τα κάνει αμέσως φεύγουν) Δεν έχει casting με αποτέλεσμα να μην προκαλεί καθόλου Lag. Έχει 3εις επιλογές: Mage Buffs, Fighter Buffs και Full Heal. Όταν πατήσετε στο Mage Buffs σας κάνει όλα τα buffs (prophet, dances, chants κτλ) με την μία. Το ίδιο στην επιλογή Fighter. Δεν έχει επιλογή για Cancel Buffs κτλ. Δεν τον έχω φτιάξει εγώ, τον βρήκα σε έναν φάκελο στο 4shared αλλά έχει τροποποιηθεί πολύ. Luxury GateKeeper Έχω προσθέσει μια επιλογή που σε πάει στο Kamael Village (πολύ πρόχειρη λύση). Είναι παρμένος από τον L2jfree αλλά έχει τροποποιηθεί πολύ. Gold Bank Μετατρέπει ένα ποσό Adena σε Gold Bar και το αντίστροφο. Δεν θυμάμαι την ισοτιμία. Φτιαγμένο από τον Domuk. GM Shop Έχει πολύ φτηνές τιμές (ένα S όπλο έχει 50-60kk) και έχει τα απολύτως βασικά (όχι quest items εκτός από τα Clan Quest). Δεν έχει Unsealed Armors κλπ. Μέχρι Interlude Items. Βασισμένο στον L2jfree, τροποποιημένο από εμένα, οι τιμές αλλάχτηκαν από εμένα. GM Shop Ver 2 (προτιμίστε το) Έχει επίσης φτηνές τιμές αλλά είναι φουλ κάστομ. Περιέχει και Kamael Items και ότα βρίσκονται σε αναλυτικές κατηγορίες. Επίσης έχει Weapons με SA και A & S Unsealed Armor. CREDITS:NEKYS
  20. Features and advantages: * Single batch file, no unknown programs to run. * Does its job no matter what SQL Agent feels about you and server settings/components status. * Easy to use. You can make it daily or whatever you want (warning: backup file names are set to daily with overwriting). How to use 1. Remove second extension (.txt) from the filename. 2. Place it somewhere :) 3. Open the file (check it out to make sure it does no harm to your server :)) and set basic settings: SET ServerName=[i]mssql_server_name[/i] SET BackupsDir=[i]Path to some folder for backups[/i] SET LogsDir=[i]Path to some folder, where you wanna see your logs spam :P[/i] 4. Check the Parent process section, you may want to delete/add some databases from/to backup cycle. To add a new database, simply copy the line and edit the database name. 5. Set up your scheduler to run it at desired interval: Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Scheduled Tasks -> Add Scheduled Task, browse to script, set up run interval, start time and other stuff, enter administrator's login/password/confirm it, and we're done. 6. Check the script. Your MSSQL Server settings may prohibit this type of logon, so you have to set it up to audit failed logon attempts. P.S. It's better to schedule this tool to run when your online is minimal. Other way your players will experience some SS-delays when backing up lin2world, but that depends. HERE src:postpacific.com
  21. Last time many people asking for PHP scripts so I made this small tutorial how to make own scripts for common tasks. I hope it will be useful. Notice: You will not find here working examples! You have to do it by urself its easy! Basics PHP If wiki said so it have to be true. But for l2 developers it's simple, fast, easy to learn and flexible tool for display and manage data of ur server. There are many tutorial trough the web so I will not copy that. All u have to know is on www.php.net. SQL SQL is query language for handling DB's. L2off use MSSQL but basic grama and structure is similar for all sql db's like MySql etc. Use google to find out basics. What u need to use it You need web server ( like apache ) and php. Here u got easy tutorial how to set it up on windows. You can also download pack like Xamp if feel that u can not handle doing it by urself... Connecting to db First u have to enable mssql extension in php.ini ( if ur using windows ). Then we use mssql_connect function to connect to db, like: <?php $db = @mssql_connect("host","user","password") or die("Unable to connect to server"); ?> We save our connection into variable. If connection faild script will end with msg. Selecting db Now we have to select db what we want working on like: <? mssql_select_db('[some db name]', $db); ?> Queries Queries is like asking db for something what we want. Result is not a table. <?php $result = mssql_query( "SELECT level FROM characters WHERE name = 'Plum'"); ?> Fetch result You can use for that one of the msssql_fetch_* functions like mssql_fetch_array. <?php while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result) ) { print_r $row; // print each row as small array echo $row['level']; // show column level in current row } ?> Queries Notice: I'm not using here orginal l2off db scheme. SELECT what_rows FROM tables WHERE conditions; So if we want for example get levels, nick form table chars where all lvls are grater then 50 and nick starts with "s" we do smth like this: SELECT level, nick FROM chars WHERE level > 50 AND nick LIKE "s%"; If we want also to select how much adena they have ( form let say table inventory ) we do it like that: SELECT chars.level, chars.nick, invetory.item_count AS adena_count FROM chars, inventory WHERE chars.level > 10 AND chars.nick LIKE "s%" AND inventory.item_name = 'adena' AND inventory.item_owner = chars.nick; Now lets order them from lower lvl to higher {...} ORDER BY level; If we want to change order we add DESC To select only rows from 10 to 50 results add to query this: {...} LIMIT 10, 50 Easy? Yeah I told u ;) Now lets check how many online players we got. 'online' is bool row in table users and its shows users current status. SELECT COUNT(*) as number_of_online_chars FROM users WHERE online = 'TRUE'; Etc. etc. etc. google is ur best friend so for more examples search there. Closeing connection mssql_close($db); Few words about how to display results There are few functions to display smth in php: echo, fprintf, print, printf and vprintf Most basic and usefull for u will be echo. How to insert variables into string? <?php echo "smth $users_online"; // Will display 'smth 3503' for example echo 'smth $users_online'; // This will show 'smth $users_online' echo $result['nick']; echo "today we got ".$result['online']." players online"; // It will work echo "today we got {$result['online']} players online"; // It will also work ?> But the best way is to put everything into table and display it using templates engine. If ur script is small u dont have to think about it. What next? You can use to mange ur db connection PDO, Pear or another DAO. There are many articles trought the web about php. Take a look on object oriented programing in php ( I suggest to find info about 5.2 version ). Check also programming patterns. If u want to make ur code cleaner think about using templates engine like Smarty or Open Power Templates. Good luck ;] Tools Eclipe php ide ( free; work on windows, linux and ever platform with java ) Zend Studio ( only windows and not free ) Important: If u think about adding control panel on ur website where user can choose smth and he send to script in GET/POST some data that u use forward in query READ ABOUT SQL INJECTION etc. It can save ur db. Even if u think ur script is secure its NOT. Its not good idea at all to do smth like that if ur beginer. Belive me. I will try to update this small tutoriall with more links and examples of using php for cached. If u have any question ask here or send me pm on forum/msn. I will try to help u :) Update1: About output functions and tools source:postpacific.com
  22. sorry for that but i think that this topic should be seen by l2j developer :)
  23. amazing share my friend ty a lot
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