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Everything posted by Lain

  1. no ones interested? :O
  2. Hey guys, maybe you'd like to take part in this. The Lucky Drawing will be on 25th October. Good luck ;) http://l33t.razerzone.com/index.php?user_dtl=c6e1b87723d76f1dddaa8e83e97b4cab
  3. It's a matter of taste. I hate all colorful magics because it makes it look Walt Disney-like.
  4. Lol you're retarded moron you were the one who said they had 6k people on.
  5. 6k? When I was playing there (the day after it opened) there was 10k. But it's already a dead server. Wait for 15x RPG club
  6. Not to mention how Lineage 2 looks visually now. I have these "cute" things like cake hats, agathions, punkin heads, cute flying shit, cute new NPCS, cute new Disney Land (Fantasy Island or how is it called?), the game has become cute, fuck I always liked Lineage for its dark graphics, serious npcs, seriously looking skills, serious community. If you want to play cute game, you can try out these free mmos or Ragnarok. Ragnarok is actually meant to be cute because it's anime mmo, so it's quite understandable. Secondly, I am a big materialist and slight changes can really mess me up. Slight changes like font change since Kamael update, the text is bald, why was that necessary? Did they want to look like Vista Windows (because when Kamael was released Vista was too)? I see no point why do they had to change the font, I was looking forward to Kamael actually (I didn't know about the old NCsoft team leaving), bang .. I logged in and I was like "ouch my eyes.. wtf?'', you know I played C1-C6 for 3-4 years and I got used to that font, and bang there's another font. Why? Ok, I overlooked it, and bang. Why radar changed? I know this is such a materialistic point of view, but I am just like that. When I get used to something over a long time, I just can't bear with new thing coming. I was playing Handball for a long time with my beloved couch, my couch left and so I did, because a new couch was total faggot. Thirdly, new looking armors. Up until Interlude, they looked really nice and plain, and since Dynasty appeared, or Vesper, or those new ones. It looks just overdone to me. Not only that they look too similar, but there's so many of them. I can say that gameplay is not ruined, it's still Lineage 2 as it was always, but those visual updates might not attract everyone.
  7. It's not about L2 only, it happens regularly in the world, that new things become fail, examples: cs 1.6 better than source XP is same as W7 (not saying better, but it's pretty much the same, that way = W7 useless money drainer) Heroes of Might and Magic 3 better than HoMaM4,5 Puberty better than Adultery (:D) Old Cartoons better than Walt Disney Live Show Fags (Hannah Montana and other faggots) underrated musicians better than over rated Justin Bieber etc. I don't think that Lineage 2 is being hated by people only because of the new updates, but because it's just too old and overplayed.
  8. Well, you can't call Kamael+ Lineage 2 game logically, because absolutely new team is developing it. And bugging into files that some people developed before is not very good thing, usually it leads to a ruined gameplay or lolupdates that not everyone is setisfied with. Those who like Kamael+ update are mostly those, who had not the opportunity to play Chronicle 1,2,3,4,5 and Interlude (beware-If you played c4 and interlude only, you're not one of those, who can judge) I can absolutely asure you that all normal players who played c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6 are not playing L2 anymore, because of the updates. Or they just stick to Interlude somewhere, where it is still worth to play (not many servers). Both sides (Kamael+ haters and Interlude- haters) have to agree that If old NCSoft would have stayed, the game would be better than it is now. bb
  9. Hello, can you post a guide, where creating site in Photoshop + coding that site in is being shown? Or if there are other programmes used, who knows.. me not. I wasn't unable to find one. (Creating something like this: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=177451.0 )
  10. lol you read my mind
  11. ahaha krash got owned D:
  12. Yes, and terrorists were responsible for 9/11.
  13. Because it's turning into Aion.
  14. I can say the same: I know many guys who are not playing l2 anymore and are bored of it, because all servers are shit & it's not worth to play. So what?
  15. You build your opinion on watching trailers only, since you've never played it. Retarded.
  16. Why so serious? L2 is dead for a long time now, so just bear with it. Move on to the other games like TERA, B&S or CON
  17. Wow, perfect, thanks.
  18. Is there a way to open .mov files in Sony Vegas? Thanks.
  19. It's not worth playing, believe me. But still it's your choice.
  20. HAHAHHAHAHAH THAT WAS REALLY ......... not funny.
  21. Wow, you must be really retarded. That's really touching and sad story Patricia. I also have breath-taking and touching stories from L2, without deaths though. That theme is truly amazing and sure it does bring memories back :)
  22. Oh yea sorry, mid/high rate.
  23. - No high enchantments - No customs - INTERLUDE Do I require much?
  24. I lost. Sorry *holds his laughter back*
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