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Everything posted by Setekh

  1. ur just showing an html.. and the check " if (itemId == 8723 || itemId == 8724 || itemId == 8725 || itemId == 8726 || itemId == 8727 || itemId == 8728 || itemId == 8......." is useless.. cus you got all the items id in the array and then in the check ur checking the items id uselesslee cus they cant have a diferent id.. cus the handlers are based on item id >< and wheres the augumentation packet being sent?
  2. ItemSkills.java sounds familiar? Its an item handler executeing a skill.. you made that skill as ressurect...so whats left to do is pritty simple... In ur etcitem table change that item handler in ItemSkills or ItemSkill (dont remember the correct name) and add the skill id and lvl to identify the skill... and ur done >.>
  3. sys thats a gr8 share.. just found a new packet.. i will try to sniff more info about it maybe ill get the OP-Codes for interlude :P
  4. as some of our rules.. says we dont give the code.. we help the user.. so i sugest u to take look at transfomations java file handlers
  5. OK locked.. im starting.. so an eta will be later on today.. or tomarrow morning
  6. LauQ everything can be made on l2j simple.. every class has a constuctor and our fellow developers since 2004 made l2j to be very accessable :P and to make smth randomly spawn is easy and we need a point.. or do some hard core Math to spawn the items on diferent location inside a zone. I like the ideas.. and ill make it instanced in configs.. and the players that dont pariticipate they can watch the show.. but cant interfire with the game play :P Its quite very easy ^^ Thanks Lauq. @DominiQue Thats kinda difernet from an original TW and its easy to add those changes alone :P Anymore ideas? before i start codeing it?:P
  7. thats another cool idea mogo thanks.. very sexy :D
  8. yea.. thats a thing.. but mostly keepping the code clean and efficient is my target.. copying something else i didnt mess with before would just give me head akes... And Flower about the thing with other players being teleported to other places... thats what i was saying about instances... The descripption of an instance is: An instance is another dimension like in the univers :D players with other instances dont get added to an objects knowlist.. resulting that the player with a diferent instance id cant be seen by a diferent instance.. and the other way arround :P So you sayd that other players should be telepoprted to another safe place.. well i was thinking what if we create a new instance and the players registred on the event get teleported in that instance :D so others can continue there stuff in towns ^^ I like most of the ideas... but i dont like the one with town guards... i mean its to advanced.. and maybe not worth my time.. if im getting leached :P But the rest of the ideas sounds gr8 ima use them ^^ Anyone else wanna share there thoughts?
  9. L2PcInstance pc = L2World.getInstance().getPlayer(target); Thats a null pointer... why? to get a player from l2world you got to use his name you added l2object ans the key object O.o SO what class contains the name? L2Character (you had to convert it).. my code is simple and works.. Tryskell your poroblem si from mmocore you probably use an unstable version of archid... case close... cus you got Thread Npes.. In this case the problem must be smth from your java env or the pack being fucked up xD
  10. Vago once made a town war event.. it was pritty simple maybe alittle unstable too.. I wanna make one this days and i never did smth like this before so i dont know what feautures to have.. I was thinking to make it even part instanced so new comers don't get caught in the crossfire.. and also to make it more accessable like a normal event.. so it can be started by gm, and by config.. starting at an amount of time or at specific hours... What do you think? Post here and let me know your ideas.. and you may see ur request in the event later on today or tomorrow ^^
  11. yes sorry.. first post updated.. i added the L2HitmanInstance and the htmls seen in the images ^^
  12. Thanks guys.. be sure ill keep it up.. im in the zone :D mwhaha
  13. if (activeChar.getTarget()==null || (!(activeChar.getTarget() instanceof L2PcInstance))) Lol... think of simple codes take a look in my code:P activeChar.getTarget() == null = Means if activeChar is null !(activeChar.getTarget() instanceof L2PcInstance) = if activeChar is not a instance of L2PcInstance.. and heres a null value cus the target can be null cus ur method had || means OR .... && means and... guess u get the picture ^^ package com.l2jarchid.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers; import javolution.text.TextBuilder; import com.l2jarchid.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler; import com.l2jarchid.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jarchid.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; public class faction implements IVoicedCommandHandler { private static final String[] VOICED_COMMANDS = { "faction" }; public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String target) { if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("faction")) { L2PcInstance targetp = (L2PcInstance)activeChar.getTarget(); if(targetp != null) { TextBuilder htmlContent = new TextBuilder("<html><title>Character stats</title><body><center>"); htmlContent.append("<br><font color=\"00FF00\">=========>>"+ targetp.getName() +"<<=========</font><br>"); htmlContent.append("<font color=\"FF0000\">Level:</font> " + targetp.getLevel()+"<br>"); htmlContent.append("<font color=\"FF0000\">Clan:</font> " + targetp.getClan().getName()+" | "); htmlContent.append("<font color=\"FF0000\">Alliance:</font> " + targetp.getClan().getAllyName()+"<br>"); htmlContent.append("<font color=\"FF0000\">Adena:</font> " + targetp.getAdena()+"<br>"); htmlContent.append("<font color=\"FF0000\">PvP Kills:</font> " + targetp.getPvpKills()+" | "); htmlContent.append("<font color=\"FF0000\">Number of Deaths:</font> " + targetp.getPkKills()+"<br>"); htmlContent.append("<font color=\"00FF00\">=========>> Faction related <<========="+"</font><br>"); htmlContent.append("<font color=\"FF0000\">Faction points:</font> " + targetp.getFactionPoints()+"<br>"); htmlContent.append("</center></body></html>"); NpcHtmlMessage faction = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); faction.setHtml(htmlContent.toString()); activeChar.sendPacket(faction); } else activeChar.sendMessage("No target."); } return true; } public String[] getVoicedCommandList() { return VOICED_COMMANDS; } } First of all try this form.. and dunno how ur faction engine works but maybe u got problems there too. Second of all You talk to much... And opcode means the identifyer code id :P of a packet PS: Dude if u could post here an console error.. that would be very helpful :P And your forum acc is fixed... check ur mxc imbox for the new user and pass
  14. Thanks guys.. let me know if any of you have new feautures ideas ^^ yes it can.. it can be used on any pack with a little tweeks ^^
  15. There u go. Advanced hitman mod :P http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=108334.0
  16. Hi, today ima share a more i'v been working on reciently.. Whats Hitman GDE ? Well its almost like the game.. it has the baseics in it :D Lests take for instance 2 characters.. Xler and Ylin. Xler is mad cus he can't kill Ylin, and he gos to a Agent npc .. and Registers a hit on Ylin with an amount of adena (the Bounty). So u added him then he wil get a msg seen here and your adena will be reduced depending what bounty u added. When someone kills him, or you kill him the killer will get the bounty (a way to get your money back :D) Also, theres a list where you can see online targets: And a clear information about the target :D The code is very clean.. i'v try to keep it clean as i could.. so its pritty simple to understand and modify it. I'm waiting for your replays and i will continue to update it.. and add new feautures. The target dosent have to be online.. everything can be managed offline also ^^ So try it out and tell me what you think :D Download Link: Hit Me xD Pack Used: L2J Server Gracia FInal ( It can be made for any client versions and packs.. it only needs a few tweeks ) Credits: Me
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