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Everything posted by Setekh

  1. i can do 100 mini shares with some 2 lines code and get 100 karma >< so no point of it.. and adena.. i dont needs it cus i got all i want ><
  2. 4k IEU? (Imaginary Euros) what else can u offer? >< hi
  3. well taken in consideration that all its porblems got fixed.. 2000 - 3000 Euros XD
  4. ammmm........ wanna take a ride to romania im single till the next friday >< XD
  5. and everyone stoped posting... UR ALL LAME!!!... ><
  6. big mistake to stop the flame.. now the fun is over >.> and everything is lame again ><
  7. good for you.. now cut it out its gettin lame :P
  8. PropagandaIA ur karma remains like this cus of flame. Flower was smited cus of that leach before and maxtor f'ed smth with her karma log End the flame, or ill start smiting..
  9. hahah Grimsy takes all the good ones :P
  10. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sympathy XD read it and weep lol
  11. is it sympathy for her? mwhah, i just love sticking my nose in things like this.. so witch is it? (the sig is cool tho XD)
  12. no client is a fail :P its just someones opinion over it XD, tastes cant be discussed you know:P
  13. prafalouy lolzord another one XD well good luck witht he team dudes XD
  14. ofc master.. btw take a look at this deff ull find it interesting XD http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=H-O-E
  15. omg, omg i wanna join, i wanna join, ur like my hoe.r... err hero xD
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