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Everything posted by k1sSm3plZ

  1. Yeap αυτό συμβαίνει με όλα τα links :/
  2. Yeap I never said that you could buy it individually off the bundle :p , unless of course you had all the rest of the skins which usually happens, for example in legacy skin bundles :)
  3. Hmm if that skin is going to be a 1350 RP skin, usually they put it on a sale the first day or so for 975 RP :) . Another scenario is , if that skin is part of the lunar "pack" they could make a bundle where it's even more cheaper :)
  4. Oti ekeines oi kartes exoun RP san currency, me thn paysafe pairneis lefta se karta :P ara texnika mporeis na thn xrisimopoiiseis opoudipote allou :) . Gia paradeigma an thes na kaneis RP giveaway 10 € pleon pairneis ekeinh thn karta kai exeis to kefali sou isixo :) . Prin an edines mia 10ara paysafe dn ikseres an tha katelige se tsixles i RP :p . Tipota allo dn m erxetai sto myalo twra.
  5. Skype: you have added me already :p Region: EUNE
  6. you could include in the special icons the vintage skin one as well :), but anyway goodluck with the account :)
  7. Mystery Gifting can be one giant store sale for some :p , although you cannot pick the skin you want to buy you get everything half price or even less :p
  8. Uhm you can trade with ppls that you have been friends for 2 weeks at least :P so if you become friends with someone tomorrow for example you will still not be able to trade mystery gifts :/
  9. don't forget to change the 1st post ;) it's silver II to those who are bored to read more :/
  10. You can use the elophant client to record all your owned skins into one page if you want :D
  11. Don't think so , as far as I am aware the whole thing is about the 34 limited skins that were in the shop once and got retired after a while. The ones you mention are tied to event giveaways mostly. They would mention it otherwise. But we will see anyway :) .
  12. It says the months they are going to be released and when the date comes near they will be announcing when the skins will be out in the store exactly. Luckily by the RP I am getting back I will get the rest of the limited skins for free :D :D
  13. Uhm there is no choice for "None" :o (at least for now :p)
  14. Yeap np :) , Poor NA people they have to pay 5200 RP only on the transfers (2600 to go to turkey and 2600 to come back) just to get the skins :O Edit: Just checked in my NA client there is a direct transfer to Turkey so no 10k RP to come and go just 5 :P sry :/
  15. Oh just heard some news if people want to get 2 limited and 1 legacy skin extra they could transfer to Turkey server where they have a sale August 7-10 for Candy Cane MF, Lollipoppy and Dark Candy Fiddlesticks and then come back with the skins :D http://beta.tr.leagueoflegends.com/tr/news/store/sales/bayrama-ozel-kostumler-sandiktan-cikiyor
  16. Hehe nice videos :) , I have plenty of those :D
  17. Hmm as the above posters mention, it depends on what you mean by rare I could give a list of all my limited skins if you mean those by saying rare(if someone wants the full list tell me and I will edit the post) but I will post which ones of my collection I consider the most rare :). It would be PAX TF, Human Ryze, Silver Kayle, medieval twich, grey warwick, all the 2010 world cup skins , silent sona and mundo mundo (I rarely see that skin anymore ;/)
  18. Found this thread rather useful ;) , although you may want to update it a bit cause now there is a 50 win exp boost, 30 days ip boost, 20 and 50 win ip boost as well.
  19. If you are playing into a european server you cannot redeem them, you can only redeem them in NA server. But, you could try sending support a message with the information below and they may help you transfer the RP card's worth to your account in the european server. Info(saw those from a topic in support): -Username, Summoner name, and Server: -Dollar amount of card purchased (Required): -Scratch off code on the back (Required): -Country where card was purchased (Required): -Picture of the receipt and backside of your prepaid card(s) (Required):
  20. Surprise Party Fiddle is lengendary skin too ;) but it was 975 because it was Riot's birthday :P
  21. Θα πρέπει να έχει φτιαχτεί τώρα από τι είδα στα forum τα ελλήνικα
  22. Επίσης το κάνανε να πάρεις αυτά τα icons με RP spent αλλά μετά τις 13 Nοεμβρίου :) http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=30391159#30391159
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