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Everything posted by xapox

  1. Wondering if i can find there the thing im looking for.
  2. Thank you for posting, checking out.
  3. Replying to see what is the content of first post, Thanks if its nice ;)
  4. Eh sadly i cannot download it anyway i hope your work was hard on it. Gl everyone :)
  5. Vayne - hardest ad carry imo, but if skilled player will get her, he will carry even bunch of tards.
  6. And if crafting is worthy on your server u can try spoil some mobs in LoA they're giving vesper parts and reciepes, so u can make something.
  7. Nice one sadly it doesnt work for me (security reasons ;P)
  8. I only wonder how many people used it already... Hopefuly not on retail...
  9. Working tateo q on dn //Jeremy - verify LABEL(START) ITEMCOUNT(Boiled Eggs[iD=7195],==,0) { JMP(JEREMY) } ITEMCOUNT(Fee of Boiled Egg[iD=7196],==,0) { JMP(PULIN) } ITEMCOUNT(Fee of Boiled Egg[iD=7196],==,1) { JMP(NAFF) } ITEMCOUNT(Fee of Boiled Egg[iD=7196],==,2) { JMP(CROCUS) } ITEMCOUNT(Fee of Boiled Egg[iD=7196],==,3) { JMP(KUBER) } ITEMCOUNT(Fee of Boiled Egg[iD=7196],==,4) { JMP(BEORIN) } ITEMCOUNT(Fee of Boiled Egg[iD=7196],==,5) { JMP(JEREMY2) } LABEL(JEREMY) ITEMCOUNT(Fee of Boiled Egg[iD=7196],==,5) { JMP(JEREMY2) } MOVETO(149586,-112725,-2064) NPCSEL(Jeremy) DELAY(2000) NPCDLG(Jeremy) DELAY (2000) DLGSEL(Quest) DELAY(2000) DLGSEL([Egg Delivery]) DELAY(2000) DLGSEL("I'll deliver your eggs.") // // // //>>>> MOVE TO NPC PULIN // LABEL(PULIN) MOVETO(150877,-115124,-1664) MOVETO(155833,-115308,-1624) MOVETO(157609,-115361,-1904) NPCSEL(Pulin) DELAY(1500) NPCDLG(Pulin) DELAY(1500) DLGSEL(Quest) DELAY(1500) DLGSEL("I've got some Boiled Eggs for you.") DELAY(1500) // // Verify quest item // ITEMCOUNT(Fee of Boiled Egg[iD=7196],<=,0) { Call(PULIN) } // // //>>>> MOVE TO NPC NAFF // LABEL(NAFF) MOVETO(156807,-114471,-1784) MOVETO(156268,-112231,-1832) MOVETO(156795,-110232,-2576) MOVETO(156055,-107213,-2624) MOVETO(155494,-106467,-2648) // //START CONVERSATION MOVETO(155613,-105737,-2752) NPCSEL(Naff) DELAY(1500) NPCDLG(Naff) DELAY(1500) DLGSEL(Quest) DELAY(1500) DLGSEL("I have some Boiled Eggs for you!") DELAY(1500) // // Verify quest item // ITEMCOUNT(Fee of Boiled Egg[iD=7196],<=,1) { Call(NAFF) } // // // MOVE TO CROCUS // LABEL(CROCUS) MOVETO(152638,-101141,-2904) MOVETO(145083,-100694,-3248) MOVETO(142615,-104970,-3568) // // START CONVERSATION LABEL(CROCUS) MOVETO(140700,-105466,-3632) NPCSEL(Crocus) DELAY(1500) NPCDLG(Crocus) DELAY(1500) DLGSEL(Quest) DELAY(1500) DLGSEL(I've got your eggs right here.) DELAY(1500) // // Verifica quest item // ITEMCOUNT(Fee of Boiled Egg[iD=7196],<=,2) { Call(CROCUS) } // // // MOVE TO NPC KUBER // LABEL(KUBER) MOVETO(141114,-107069,-3616) MOVETO(141825,-108229,-3560) MOVETO(141661,-109395,-3592) NPCSEL(Kuber) DELAY(1500) NPCDLG(Kuber) DELAY(1500) DLGSEL(Quest) DELAY(1500) DLGSEL("Egg delivery, sir!") DELAY(1500) // // Verify quest item // ITEMCOUNT(Fee of Boiled Egg[iD=7196],<=,3) { Call(KUBER) } // // // MOVE TO BEORIN // LABEL(BEORIN) MOVETO(143842,-108599,-3472) MOVETO(146501,-108964,-3216) MOVETO(149101,-108879,-2536) MOVETO(149505,-110926,-2256) MOVETO(147554,-113263,-2104) NPCSEL(Beolin) DELAY(1500) NPCDLG(Beolin) DELAY(1500) DLGSEL(Quest) DELAY(1500) DLGSEL(I've got your eggs right here.) DELAY(1500) // // Verify quest item // ITEMCOUNT(Fee of Boiled Egg[iD=7196],<=,4) { Call(BEORIN) } // // // RETURN TO JEREMY // LABEL(JEREMY2) MOVETO(149218,-112460,-2072) MOVETO(149586,-112725,-2064) NPCSEL(Jeremy) DELAY(1500) NPCDLG(Jeremy) DELAY(1500) DLGSEL(Quest) DELAY(1500) DLGSEL([Egg Delivery (Continue)]) DELAY(2000) DLGSEL("I made all the deliveries.") // // RESTART THE QUEST // DELAY(500) JMP(START)
  10. Looks.. so silly :P Anyway i prefer L2c L2s or w/e ;P
  11. Well i wonder only on what server it will work...
  12. Another useful progs x) thx )
  13. For me doesnt work - just changed waby etc ;p
  14. Agree. Anyway thx for HowTo :P
  15. Nice share thx x) and @nice and when i must start scrip?(location) im curious for answer also.
  16. Easy and helpful program, kinda strange noone included it in his pack.
  17. Well helpful i wonder why some admins didnt do the same on some servers to avoid 'lying' after port :P
  18. If it works i will say my friend to use it on his own server ;P
  19. As i see author did some update here ;) keep it up x)
  20. Anyway, paladin got that skill also: Banish Seraphim -> Works on angels Banish Undead -> Works on undeads Also as someone written already bp and ee got also it: Turn Undead (if im not wrong) All of those skills got lethal strike possibility.
  21. I think you mean no l2w no life xP
  22. Well i would be really pleased if someone could make guide how to connect to dn with it i wonder if it is possible...
  23. Well, your examples : zaken / baium etc... wont work for it how someone will lure it to toi 13 spawn ?;P its impossible, only fan servers where gm spawn bosses in random spots, anyway its based on spawn protection, funny trick ;']
  24. Its kinda server lag, but im sure it count fast - later disappear - on my server dont work cos its ... dunno what :P Mix IL-HB-Gracia ;P
  25. I just wonder how it will work on more dual boxes ;P
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