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  1. I am cleaning up my Aion client collection before I upload it and post it but I have come across a problem. I have no Idea How to identify the version of the game. e.g. 5.5 or the chapter name e.g. "Land of Storms, Balaurea" If that is even a real chapter name. Some chapters have a part 2 also. I collect both NA and EU versions of the client but both don't share the same files. The NA Games have the version.ini and it says its version When downloading the client, the patcher says it's version 235. If you go to the credits it says the last chapter name maybe? Not sure if these get updated every client or not. It seems like the same "chapter name" goes through several versions. e.g. 5.5-7.0 How would you label and organize these clients? I would like to sort them like "Aion NA - 7.0 - - 252- Mark of the Vandal" or something like that. If you have a list of the versions/chapter names, I would be grateful. If you know how to sort these, I would be really grateful.
  2. I've checked my collection, I have The 1st Throne - The Kamael, this is the NA version, not the classic. I don't have that classic version sorry.
  3. I'll have a look in my collection, not sure I have the system though. I'll get back to you.
  4. Just checked, don't have GDu2 system. I'm missing quite a lot of them actually now that I've checked. Sorry going to have to look else where. On a side note, do you have any patched systems. I plan on updating the whole thread in the future with more clients and stuff once everything is sorted.
  5. Doubt it but Ill have a look after I sort all my l2 stuff.
  6. Not sure, still need to sort though all my l2 stuff. Can you be more specific about what you are looking for so I can keep an eye out for it?
  7. Sorry for taking so long to reply, don't swing around here much. All my clients are NA.
  8. @Finn Hello there Finn It seems we both have an interest in L2 clients. I have a thread over here much older then yours but not at complete as yours. I am missing some client's myself. Any interest in Aion? got a few of those. In addition, I have an epic F TON on unsorted L2 Stuff if you're interested. This is only a little of it as it so unsorted.
  9. Could always upload somewhere else but Mega has 50GB free storage per account. If you could recommend free storage I could upload it again and rework the post.
  10. I will at some point, got a lot of things going on and such. If your not in a hurry, I'll get to it soon ish.
  11. I have it, just haven't updated the thread.
  12. It's just the client, not the server.
  13. Helios and Grand Crusade clients uploaded and links posted. Enjoy.
  14. Found the clients, will be uploading them shortly.
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