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About crazydude13

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  1. why cant u guys make a server like e-global? :((
  2. For a guy that didn't follow your work so far, neither here, nor on your own website/forum, any tips on what to expect? The expected average population, enough incoming clans, class ballance and stuff like that?
  3. Why would I want to play on a server where the Admin is more toxic than 14 year-old children that are playing the game nowadays? Man, oh man...
  4. do you know what 3k online means?
  5. Im not saying people should not play here, it's their free choice where to play, im just saying I hate the fact that they are lying about the online
  6. How can you have the nerve of saying you have 3k online, Do you know what 3K ONLINE means? It means the whole server is flooded with players and parties, yet you can barely make a couple of zaken parties, here. Only retarded people would believe you have 3k online, or lionna with 9k and stuff like that. Don't be an ignorant asshole and treat players as if they were stupid(like they are, 80% of them).
  7. mana/hp/cp are auto?
  8. im having some problems using the site/forum. it logs really slow and usually gives an error after 2-3 minutes of loading, thus I cant create an account. what should i do?
  9. You still didnt answer the question. Why are you using FAKE numbers? Isn't the site your image?
  10. you have decent online, but why do you use fake online numbers on site? 4k online on peaks means u cant farm anywhere because of the crowds...
  11. Oh, come on, everybody knows that's how things work. They get paid, they play on the server. Like it matters, anyway. In 1 month everybody will join the next fresh server with 2k+ online, just because that's how l2 is and that's what people "enjoy" nowadays.
  12. Online count? 'Cause, let's face it, that's what matters nowadays.
  13. You're guessing wrong. I've been playing on dex servers since 2006 and eversince I've witnessed promises that were never kept. You were always lucky to have nice people playing there. That's what;s keeping you alive.
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