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Everything posted by DreaM

  1. Mate this is spaming you deserve a karma i've seen all your spamming post and they all are spams omg mate get a hold of yourself i see you're new BUT READ THE RULES BEFORE EVEN CLICKING ON ANY SECTION OF THIS FORUM
  2. lol nice joke 0 kb :D
  3. Saving Slots Under AMX MOD X : open addons\amxmodx\configs\amxx.cfg and you search : / Amount of reserved slots, amx_hideslots must be 1 to use this cvar (for more details see comments in plugin source) amx_reservation 0 // If you set this to 1, you can hide slots on your server amx_hideslots 0 Here is how you have to set the CVAR's amx_reservation - here instead of zero (0) you gotta set the amount of slots you want to be saved for admins ! amx_hideslots - instead of zero (0) you changed it to 1 otherwise the slot's wont be saved! Saving Slots Under AMX MOD Open addons\amx\config\amx.cfg and you search the following // Type of reservation (Slots Reservation) // 0 - Disables the plugin. // 1 - Kicks the player with the shortest playing time when an admin connects to a full server. // 2 - Kicks the player with the longest playing time when an admin connects to a full server. // 3 - Kicks the player with the highest ping when an admin connects to a full server. // 4 - AMX 099 Mode: 'amx_reservedslots' are reserved, nobody is kicked when an admin connects to a full server amx_reservation 0 // Number of reserved slots (if amx_reservation is set to 4) amx_reservedslots 0 // Hide reserved slots or not (if amx_reservation is set to 4) amx_hideslots 0 Here is how you have to set the CVAR's amx_reservation - you change the zero (0) to 4 amx_reservedslots-here you must type something different from zero (0) a number of the slots you want to be saved for administrators amx_hideslots -instead of zero (0) you changed it to 1 otherwise the slot's wont be saved! Credits To :Hackz0r
  4. But She SAid You were 18... X.D WELCOME TO MAXCHEATERS HAVE FUN!
  5. well actually i found a blooper you need 315 for that and the dupe exploit by deMEV is 500.. = GG
  6. Brand new server, we've been working hard to achive this OUTSTANDING PROJECT. LAG FREE Rates 5k rates !!! http://www.l2epitaph.net/portal.php ------------ Box information : 4gb RAM 2.3 Dual Core Proccessor 100mbps port Server information: Instant max level Gatekeeper/Custom GMshop/Class Changer at starting area Safe enchant up to +16 for weapons,armors and jewels NO MAX ENCHANT and ENCHANT RATES 80% max donation enchant +25 Giran Castle Town is our main Town -Unlimited PVP -TvT Events -CTF Events -Custom Clan VS Clan events -Sieges -Clan Halls -Raid Events -Intown Raid Events -Intown PvP Events Farming Areas: ¤ Enchant/Adena Farming area with boosted mobs @ Antharas Nest ¤ Special Items (Kamael weapons,Tattoos,Boss jewels) farming area with boosted mobs @ Emerald Hall ¤ Raid Area with custom raids at ivory tower How To Connect †Download Kamael Client! †Full update it after downloading! †Open your host file †Your hosts should look the very same way : # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one # space. # # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol. # # For example: # # rhino.acme.com # source server # x.acme.com # x client host localhost l2authd.lineage2.com nprotect.lineage2.com The Current server staff : [Admin]Necr0fil {if i remember good =D} [Dev]Sadness [HGM]LastHope More information & rules at http://www.l2epitaph.net/portal.php Well a comment from HaCkz0r now...: A very nice developed server with lots a fun but a low community cuz this server just opened i just go there to test it and i really liked it howerver i wont play there anymore cuz im bored from lineage but thats other discussion. I want to advise you to login there cuz there isn't any class unbalancing. Its not too easy to kill mobs. Takes a whole party + bishop to kill em. ( the ones for Dynasty /sets/weapns/). And yeah friendly community Nice GM shop & Buffer 3 click'n'go and yeah i hope you join and have fun.Peace , HaCkz0r Mod Edit: Prefix added. => A-Style
  7. Here is a small guide for this video =] 1) Click on start than on run and in the small window that pop outs you will wirte ipconfig/release 2)You will see your conection is limited!But no worries, now right click on My Network Places and click " Properties " 3)Than you have to find your connection, the one that has and yellow triangle. On this connection press properties and than press Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click properties again. 4)A window will pop out. Check the "Use the following IP adress" and the place you see IP address add 222 222 222 222 ( a random code) DOESN'T MEAN YOU GOTTA ADD 222 222 222 you can add 111 111 112 its no difference. 5)Than click on OK.A message will pop out "You have entered an adress that is missing its subnet mask. Please add a subnet mask. Click OK than again press Ok so you can safe the info. 6)now go back to the place you added 222 222 222 222 or 111 111 111.. etc... and click "Obtain an IP adress automatically" and than press OK 7) Have fun you are no longer banned and you're IP is changed NOTE: IT WORKS ONLY FOR THE DYNAMIC IP USER'S!
  8. You voted for Others [Techno, Trance, etc] I just like B.A.S.S
  9. Lawl this was the most noobish way you could "escape" from the problem lol you have to be critic the Guide's etc... LOL i mean you only want everyone to say "GJ MANNNN NICE SHAREE ROXXX " when they didn't even tested it i will advise you not acting like a noob and start think before posting .... I SAID ITS LAME TO STICK IT.... Cuz this is 1 thing and it cannot be updated by any way i mean it can be used 1 time but than again in the updates its going to be changed cuz it doesn't have the bugg to zaken in CT1 if you didn't know that ( im sure you copied that or even if you didn't you didn't try it) the queen ant guide isn't right lol I mean if its a off server GL on killing it without a bishop or a healer i know ant queen's stats very good and i know that ant queen will kill the mages in not more than like 6-10 hits.... ... And if you remember when i posted L2 Dictionary you said it shouldn't be stickied but look it can be updated and newbies can learn something and what can they learn from this guide? The easiest way to get banned or die from a raid boss... LOL ...but however i don't want to get my -1 karma cuz you just don't like me Bay bay ...PeaCe HacKz0r
  10. L2JEmu is a very smart Team and they have removed all Buylist bugs. So gl finding one.
  11. Its so much like POP but everything is better and i have full version [English] But i dl it from a BG site if anyone wanna ask me how to dl in english tell me :p via pM
  12. hey have a nice Exploiting and browsing the forum im sure you'll have great time here :)
  13. yeah true you're not a noob you are copy/paste however i dont wanna argue with you...its just a waste of time speaking with m****'s
  14. Clan leaders must help his clan mates ... CLan leaders must start clans only and ONLY if they can afford everything alone so everything else he does is for the clan mates Clan leaders must be active and well organized on sieges , raidbosses etc.. Clan leaders must leave ALL drops for THOSE WHO REALLY NEED IT instead of taking them ... Clan leader shouldn't be greedy! Clan leader should work only for CLAN and his clan members before he take action in clan wars etc. Clan leader must be fair with all.. On rbs sieges they party's must be all random and those who doesn't need the items etc SHOULD give them to those who really need ! If a clan leader gets smth in him really special he thinks for the clan before himself. Regards HaCkz0r
  15. Can a GMOD move it please thanks. Thank you FTTD :-)
  16. Didn't Eko told you no double posting you are duMB or you can't read OMFG....
  17. gonna check them :) i hope on 1 of them is said " HACKZ0R " :D password is?
  18. Planck HFI L2 Software Development Guidelines Written By / Credits R. Ansari ansari@lal.in2p3.fr É. Aubourg aubourg@hep.saclay.cea.fr C. Magneville cmv@hep.saclay.cea.fr Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 C++ 3 2.1 Calling C code from C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2.2 Calling Fortran code from C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2.3 Fortran-90 and C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3 Java 7 3.1 Calling C/C++ code from Java . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3.2 Java and CORBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 A C++ standard and compilers 9 1 Introduction We intend to gather gradually in this document the guidelines for the development of Planck HFI Level 2 data processing software. We assume throughout this document that C++ is the baseline option as the programming language for the development of Planck HFI Level 2 processing software, we review here briefly some of the properties of the C++ and Java language and interoperability with other language, mainly C and Fortran. C++ C++ is an object-oriented programming language which has been developed by extending the C language. Some of the additional possibilities incorporated in C++ are: Introduction of object and classes function overloading Operator overloading function and operator inlining virtual functions (polymorphism) public, protected and private members dynamic memory management operators Exception handling generic (template) function and classes We discuss here the some of the problems and solutions arising when integrating software modules written in other languages into C++ programs. 2.1 Calling C code from C++ C++ extends the possibilities offered by the C language. All of the C language data types and function call syntax are thus supported by C++. Among other features, C++ offers the function overloading possibility. This means that functions with different argument list can have the same name. int fo(int a); int fo(int a, int b); int fo(double a, double b); Using C , one would have written: int foi(int a); int foii(int a, int b); int fodd(double a, double b); C++ compilers use internally a name containing the encoding of the argument list. In order to instruct the compiler to use simple names, C functions should be declared as extern "C" . This is usually included in the header file (.h). In the example above, the header file (.h) file would be in the form: #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif int foi(int a); int foii(int a, int b); int fodd(double a, double b); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif 2.2 Calling Fortran code from C++ Fortran is a simple language and uses only basic data types. Although the exact mapping between Fortran and C/C++ basic data types may vary depending on the OS and hardware architecture, it is close to the one shown in the table below: INTEGER int usually 4 bytes REAL*4 float usually 4 bytes REAL*8 double usually 8 bytes COMPLEX complex<float> COMPLEX*16 complex<double> In fortran, all arguments are passed by address and fortran compilers (on Unix systems) add an underscore "_" to all symbol names. It is thus rather easy to call Fortran subroutines or functions from C or C++. This is illustrated in the following example: C Fortran-Code SUBROUTINE FSUB(A,N,B,M) REAL A(*),B(*) INTEGER N,M RETURN END The corresponding C (or C++) declaration is: void fsub_(float *a, int *n, float *b, int *m); FSUB can be called from C code, as is shown below : float aa[10]; int na=10; float bb[10]; int mb=10; fsub_(aa, &na, bb, &mb); The case of character string arguments in Fortran subroutines needs a bit more attention, and the string length needs to be passed as an additional integer type argument. As with C functions, Fortran functions or subroutines have to be declared extern "C" to be used within C++ programs. C/C++ driver routines can easily be written for extensively used Fortran modules, simplifying calling sequences. It should also be noted that the Fortran support libraries have to be included for the link with the C++ driver. It is also possible to translate the whole Fortran source code into C code using f2c program. The call syntax will be exactly the same as with a Fortran compiler, and libf2c.a should be used when linking the program. It is very difficult to use C++ classes directly from Fortran. However, high level functionalities based on a C++ library can be wrapped in a Fortran style function which can be called from Fortran. One looses of course many of the possibilities offered by underlying C++ library. We illustrate below the wrapping of a simple C++ class: // An example class performing some computation class Example { Example(); ~Example(); void compute(int sz, float *x); int getSize(); float getResult(int k); }; The wrapper would then look like: extern "C" { void foradapt_(float *a, int *n, float *b, int *m); } foradapt_(float *a, int *m, float *b, int *n) { // a is the input array, m it’s size // b is the output array, n the returned size // b has to dimensioned big enough in the calling program Example ex; ex.compute(*n, a); *m = ex.getSize(); for(int i=0; i<ex.getSize(); i++) b = ex.getResult(i); } One can then call FORADPAT from fortran : REAL A(1000) REAL B(1000) INTEGER N,M M = 1000 N = 1000 CALL FORADPAT(A, M, B, N) 2.3 Fortran-90 and C++ Fortran-90 (F90) is a much more complex language than Fortran 77 (F77). Compared to F77, it introduces many new constructions, including: - pointers - local and global variables - in, out, in-out argument type for function and subroutines - compound data types, similar to structures in C - multidimensional arrays - function and operator overloading. It is thus more difficult to use full featured F90 modules from C or C++. One would have to map all these different data structures with their attributes between the two languages, in a OS/compiler independent way. It should however be possible to encapsulate F90 modules into simple F77 like subroutines that could be called from C/C++. Java Java 1 is a rather recent object-oriented programming language. It is based on the concept of a virtual machine, and a very extended standard library. Java compilers produce "byte-codes" that are interpreted in a virtual machine (JVM). Thus, pure Java programs are platform-independent and portable. The very extended libraries that are available for the language make it a very good choice for user interfaces, network programming, distributed objects, database access. Numeric computation libraries start to appear but are still in early stages of development. The Java language is strongly typed, with dynamic typing information. It is dynamic in essence as class bytecodes can be loaded into the JVM on request. It uses a garbage collector for memory management. Memory leaks and memory access errors cannot exist. All this makes debugging easier than with C++. The overhead of interpreting the bytecodes in the virtual machine is alleviated by the development of "JIT" (Just In Time) compilers, that do a dynamic compilation. Java programs are typically 3 times slower than their equivalent in C++, but the exact figure might vary between 1 and 5 depending on the type of program. Two features convenient for numeric library development and usage present in C++ are missing in Java: templates and operator overloading. Typically, a single code cannot be specialised for floats and doubles automatically, and one must write, if A, B and C are matrices, C = A.mult(B) instead of C = A*B. 3.1 Calling C/C++ code from Java A Java library (JNI, Java Native Interface) allows to call C/C++ code from Java programs. Of course, portability is then lost. Methods in Java objects can be declared native. A tool then produces C/C++ headers for coding these methods in C/C++. This code can call existing C/C++/Fortran code, and even map the Java object to a C++ object. Because the layout of objects in memory is not fixed in the JVM specifications, all accesses to methods and member variables are done through interface pointers. Accessing arrays can imply a copy of the array on input, and a copy back on return if the array was modified. Since Java memory management is garbage-collector-based, C/C++ programs that want to hold references to Java objects, or create Java objects, must interact with the garbage collector explicitly. JNI allows also C/C++ programs to instantiate a JVM and Java objects, and access them. 1Information on the Java platform and language can be found at http://java.sun.com 3.2 Java and CORBA Another solution to call C++ objects from Java, or vice-versa, is to use CORBA. CORBA is a standard distributed objects framework, and Java 2 comes with a CORBA-2 compliant ORB (Object Request Broker), JavaIDL. Objects distributed through CORBA must have their interface defined in a specific language, IDL. Tools then creates stubs for any language, as well as implementation skeletons. An object can then physically exist on a machine, implemented in C++, and be manipulated remotely through Java stubs, as if it were a local Java object. CORBA offers thus language-independent distributed objects. It adds overhead compared to JNI, because of the presence of a network layer, but offers more functionality. In particular, the C++ objects are platform-dependent, but the Java code that uses them, being pure Java code, remains portable. A C++ standard and compilers C++ can be considered now as a mature language. The current standard for C++ and C are defined by 2: ISO/IEC 14882-1998(E) Programming languages – C++ ANSI/ISO 9899-1990 for Programming Languages C Powerful compilers are available on most platforms, including: - the GNU multiplatform g++ 3, - KAI KCC 4 which is a nice multiplatform optimising C++ compiler. - Digital (Compaq) cxx 5 - IBM VisualAge C++ 6 - HP aCC 7 - Silicon Graphics SGI-CC on IRIX 8 - Cray C++ compiler on Unicos 9 Glad i helped i dunno if this was posted by someone else didnt find it anywhere decided to post it credits in the start!
  19. name of server version of the Gmshop Oneo Emu??? description please!
  20. DreaM


    a+a=A b+b=B c+c=C d+d=D e+e=E f+f=F g+g=G h+h=H j+j=J k+k=K l+l=L m+m=M n+n=N sOmEtHiNg MiSiNg DuDeS HmMmM ;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D;D ;D ;D
  21. Lol it has other section for your videos this is only Youtube contest for videos related to the forum not your own personal videos post your "cool" videos here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=13767.0
  22. can you tell me where you copied from ? :D GmRights FORUM??/ you're lame ive made it and you copeid give credits to Haxor95 and BeaUty please dont be a noob Hihihihi http://l2gmrights.forumotion.com/general-talk-f5/all-items-skillz-id-s-t13.htm
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