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SillverShadow last won the day on August 10 2018

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About SillverShadow

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  1. you were right, thank you very much once again
  2. i see, thank you very much for the fast reply a bit off topic but while i have you here. to enter dev mode in 388 protocol i need to get a "new" nwindow.dll and add "IsL2pawnviewer=true" under url in l2ini( i think ) is that nwindow.dll available? do i need to pay for it? thank you again.
  3. is this enough to edit the interface as it was with earlier chronicles? are more tools needed? i delete things in xdat editor ( entire windows ) and they are still there ingame xD like i did nothing. any idea why? i saw someone say something about ui.ugx files in systextures
  4. player or admin? are you willing to pay for it or are you looking for a shared one?
  5. guys, you dont get what MoetsukiDansei said... MoetsukiDansei asked for help and Mobius came to say "hey, i will not help" and MoetsukiDansei said well if you are not going to help dont bother posting that's all there is to it. calm your titties, no one offended or called anyone scammer @MoetsukiDansei in my experience all packs have similar issues with server-> client-> server synchronization as melron said. a GOOD rework of movement system is needed on ALL of them. good luck on this adventure you started
  6. implement it where, to retail interlude interface?
  7. i dont have a complete interface with those features but when and if you find one that looks like what you are looking for i can add : - Friend system: see level and prof, and clan invite. - See debufs in mob target. Example: if mob is spoil, see spoil skill together of mob target. i can make it show debuffs on players too.
  8. you want the visual aspect of classic interface or functionality too, if you want functionality what parts of classic interface functionality do you want ?
  9. does anyone have Secret of Empire: Part 2 client ? thank you
  10. so, i'll try to help but i need to understand the problem first give me a few details please
  11. i think he is not talking about the "setup" but about configuring a server too( features, stats etc ) if so, the cost depends on the instructions. what you want your server to be like and include will determine the cost and time needed to set it up.
  12. make a discord account
  13. do you have a discord account?
  14. you could also make a zone and set it so when a player enters the zone they get teleported to town, the zone will be there but it will not be accessible
  15. talk to a decent guy like @Zake if you want what you get to work as you want it.
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