if you see question marks you have to do this: Go to Control Panel -> Local Conf and Language->Advanced Options and add Russian Language now you can see the text, and if you don't understand russian you can translate it
yeah you find it, and another scam is yo have a good overenchanted weapon and trade some one and offer to trade your weapon for his weapon and adena, and cancel some times then put a +0 weapon and press ok
Depends chronicle in a C4 off x2 server we kill him with a 3 sorc 1 necro and BD , SE and EE high lvl far from queen to prevent raid curse, And sorc and sps high lvl to kill nurses. ( And a lot of other players to kill war hahah )
Good guide for newbies but you forget
Shift Key: attacks in fixed position
Shift +Ctrl Key: attacks force in fixed position
Alt + drag items: move all of that item to desire place ( wh,trader, etc)