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Everything posted by gregory13

  1. its really nice server
  2. with the new pack you solve oly problem??
  3. can some1 make them for hellbound
  4. how i will make that??can u help me plz?
  5. deposit freight warehouse aden epilegis char ta bazis mesa kai erxese me ton allo pexti kai ta pernis
  6. can some1 make them for hellbound plz ty P.S. soz for dual post
  7. nice one keep up the good work and dont listen anyone
  8. Hi guys i use l2jumbrella pack and i have a problem with olympiad the players make participation but oly system doenst teleport them to arenas PLZ i need your help
  9. thx but can i as ksmth is there any buffer for l2j hellbound that has the buffs at categories?for example heavy/mage/light?
  10. can u help me?cauze when i have to choose it tells me smth for quest can u help me? what should i do?
  11. file auth h buffer pou tha doseis sto pedi kanei gia hellbound?l2j
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