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Everything posted by mutombo11

  1. i w8 for it !!! i hope it will be as good as they say
  2. we will be old till then :?
  3. is it free?
  4. tha to koitakso fainete kalo! kati diaforetiko kai einai kai free
  5. awesome i w8 for it
  6. sims is great but for a little time only
  7. i play a little dont like it
  8. i like it on ps1!!!:P
  9. it is possible to be created free servers?
  10. to see football to play basketball
  11. awesome game it is
  12. ps3 ftw
  13. kai an ton sikoseis prepei na meinei an einai gia kana mina duo asta na pane
  14. http://www.frienzl2.com/
  15. kai low rate an einai pali o pro einai apaixtos
  16. x30 no npc buffer/shop/no dual boxing apla na einai x30 oste na mporeis na aneveis eukola oso ginete kati ivridio pvp me low rate
  17. berserker!!!!
  18. doesnt work in mine server i told a guy to do:P
  19. nice programe where we can find it?
  20. yes u cant go rez
  21. all the tricks at this server :P
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