--------- Moonlight Sentinel --------- lv 85 / 3 subs /80 lvl warlord / sws 75 / wk 75 noblesse
- Skull Carnium Bow +7 Focus 300 att
- Vorpal Light set 1800 att +4 PVP chest
- Greenery Cloak +6 , agathion with BRES permanently + some hats
- Skills: stun shot+20 , heal +16 + other +15,+10
- Goddart guard earring +4 stun chance
- Frintezza necklace +4 + vorpal jewelry +4 stun attk/defense
- Frintezza/ Zaken cloak , 8 freya soul fragment
- Baium Q / Frintezza Q / Valakas Q done
- 70k olympiad tokens , enough to buy AQ oly+other
- 24 buff slot
- many transformations learned : including divine warrior , heretic etc
- many augment weapons :active : reflect dmg,accuracy,clarity,refresh,evasion, + soes/mental + few talismans
- bracelet S / shirt striped CP s+4 + belt PVP skill attk A +4
*account with mail but i would like u to change mail since i used it / wts full char or for some parts leave me an offer
---------- Titan ---------- lv 85 / 2 subs : haste+passive focus cert noblesse
- Dynasty Crusher +3 Rsk Focus 300 holy +3
- Icarus Trident + 3 Critical Stun 160 holy ( good for aoe)
- Dynasty Hvy Set weapon master 900 att
- Skills : Zealot+17 time,rage+15 + other +10
- White uniform hat
- Goddart Guard Earring
- Doom hvy set + items for prezealot , tezza Q done
- 58k tokens olympiad
*account with mail , can offer + mail //
--------- OL ---------- 83 with Seal of limit + noblesse
*specially made for limit,instances
*Major Arcana set +Vesper singer for higher matk for limit
*Wizard hat firework
*account same mail with titan , in case u want to buy both free e-mail , separately ol u need to change it
---------- also few other chars , including PP 83 + CC buff,other titan 84
*************** If you're interested in buying Leave me a msg privately here or on skype with ur offer : STEP172S *********************************** paypal only method of transfer