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Everything posted by erikis12

  1. Game as it is in present would be still great if only remove from it p2w content. Look little back. Tons of folks wanted to play. But each new "event" or l2store update killed more and more. I would be first in line to join pay to play server without l2store. Same as classic now. Wish to dreams came true.
  2. Mmorpg genre is dead, people don't have time to grind and develop the character for years, they prefer quick games, with quick progress.
  3. cool server
  4. best low server!!
  5. Thanks for share, i try it in l2mid and work, just one question can send me tt script recipe for l2mid?
  6. all credits too: Szakalaka for the tool. How to bot? 1. Open Szaka.exe by ADMIN. 2. Open l2, login and go to char select. 3. go to Szaka put that key: DA647DA9E6273E21FF2BC94E4E868 4. Press in Connect next press in Rescan process list. 5. Select the process and press in "Fix Selected" 6. Open l2tower inject in process (No hide option) and close it. 7. Happy bot. Download Link: https://mega.co.nz/#!i15h0JqB!s9ijoJjCSLUS2PHo5KyCXTU-zkYKjvBeYYdQvRo9WRs
  7. @ Szakalaka give to us the secret to bypass it!! XD
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