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Everything posted by Celsas

  1. Discord is not exist... Dont answer in message... why?
  2. So finde someone who can do it? I need something that also, who can do it and how much it cost?
  3. System 273 protocol ;)
  4. Hello Photoshop masters! Im lf people who can make cool L2 WEB Design! If you acool you got work for other stuff, make loading sceens, logos, updaters, wallpapers, baners, and other new images ;) LF just Perfect! Skype: minzeeninzee
  5. Hello Seling Antharas/Valakas/Baium/Aq and Adena pm with offers in skype: minzeeninzee
  6. Hello, im lf cool Graphic Designers, need to make logo, wallpaper, loading screen and others, pm me in skype: minzeeninzee
  7. FAST and TRUSTED seller +++
  8. Hi, you must repaint map image :) all town maps is in \SysTextures\L2Font-e.utx file ;)
  9. I dont know how to say it in words :) but i make a image, maybe you understand something ;)
  10. WTS CORE ADENA HAVE: 10kkk at this moment...
  11. Hi, i have ISS elven 99lvl 73% + 2 sub 80lvl ir 73lvl... ~1000 Daily Coints, ~130000 Mentee Mark, ~400 Energy Destruction, common shadow dualai +6, i can leave heavy +6 eternal set + metall app + shield, Juwes = 0 :D Also have more than 10kkk aden and other shit in wh. If you want it just say what you can pay :) Brw i can sold only adena ;)
  12. Nothing? Peoples i can pay for that help :)
  13. Hello, maybe someone know how and can hellp me to open and edit .dat files from GrandCrusade? L2FileEditor from L2Miko dont works perfect, i cant edit RaidData.dat or ClassInfo.dat :( So maybe someone know how to open and edit it? how to decompile .dat files? Write here or PM, i can pay for your time ;)
  14. Here: https://mega.nz/#!ms9DlRSQ!OGjRCEKgob05nRBTCv8japI91Bh8mKBgHFio4r_FjIA
  15. Hello, im lf info/help how to make jquery accordion menu... Or just people who kan code it from my PSD file, ofc not for free i can pay fot your time ;) I need code it like this ;)
  16. Hello to all... Im lf Java developer to convert scripts from Mobius H5 to Mobius Classic ;) I need add Seven Sings, Territory War and other else to make Classic more like to H5 but with hard farming :) So who can do it and make some money, just write to me, i can pay for one script... Who can do Territory Wars script? PM to me or here and we discuse about price and other thinks... Just Java side, client side i can do self ;)
  17. Hello to all... Im lf Java developer to convert scripts from Mobius H5 to Mobius Classic ;) I need add Seven Sings, Territory War and other else to make Classic more like to H5 but with hard farming :) So who can do it and make some money, just write to me, i can pay for one script... Who can do Territory Wars script? PM to me or here and we discuse about price and other thinks... Just Java side, client side i can do self ;)
  18. He dont have time for that work :) Ok im changed all from Classic to Helios but have one problam and dont know how to fix it :) One zone is not showing :) 3rd screen :) Talking ISland, Eastern Territory dont have map/radar :) other places working fine.
  19. Hello, im lf who can remake new maps like Talking Island in Helios or Crushade to old one from Classic... we can duscuse about all in skype: minzeeninzee and i can pay for that ;) And if it is all good i can offer more work in client side to remake Helios or Crusade...
  20. Contact with me in SKYPE ;) and explane your problam or show some screens ;)
  21. Hello, im lf Lineage II Grand Crusade server files (source)... Write here or pm with your price ;)
  22. HELIOS EN [patched] (protocol 64) 29.06.2016 https://mega.nz/#!XMNw3CAZ!MCb6m0fZqUDCMSgMJ8AjJOp2-ZDp2r-Git7Cc74LOak HELIOS EN [patched] (protocol 64) 21.03.2017 [latest helios update] http://mediafire.com/file/bf457n35pl9frog/System-21-03-17.rar If have any questions, PM or use Skype ;)
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