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Community Answers

  1. just adapt the "Multi Function Zone" into your source :) then make Pvp Zone the correct area you want :) also check the configs of MFZ. nothing else.
  2. why to use this manager? its shit... where is the different with automated vote reward and with this? you think your server will have more votes cuz of individual?
  3. my eyes burned just...... why to lambaste all of you with Nevermore? why all of you flame him? there is nothing good about H5, lot of ppl wanna a good H5 project (impossible) but as i said, there is nothing good to work on it! only if youre so skilled and you can fix anything. Nevermore, try to make something (Impossible) to be (possible) based on (l2j) also (h5) and all of you flame and try to " - " him. from the time when you start to flame this project it means so you know better than Nevermore if im not wrong! , try to help him with suggestions, with something (wrong) or with something (fail) as all of you say....so after this this project can be a really good and Nevermore also customers will be proud of a new h5 project which one you can work on it! www.maxcheaters.com aka www.ComeHereToHumiliateAndGoWayAgain.com ! thats i know, nothing else :) yea ofcurse after this Post, all of you will flame me too :) but chill niggas ;)
  4. 10+ φορές έχει δημοσιευθεί, μην τα έχετε όλα στρωμένα στο τραπέζι....
  5. first of all, which chronicale are you using?
  6. maybe he have the free version? 330? and not the last ? if im not wrong from 339 going to J8 from J7 Which Revision of aCis are you using? :) also where you found it?
  7. what you mean "Champion Aura" any photo, any something to see it? :) edit: lol just saw the config, what a fail :S
  8. Hey guys, first of all im so sorry about this post on this section :/ but i don't know where to request it! my request is on greek , so i'll post it with greek characters [GR] Καλησπέρα/Καλημέρα , έχω ένα θέμα! έχει πεθάνει το Wi-Fi εδώ και αρκετές μέρες, είμαι πελάτης της Cyta Hellas και το Router Name είναι ADB-GE12002A ούτε με Factory Reset ούτε με τίποτα δεν γίνεται. έχω ένα άλλο Router, είναι της Conn-x όμως, πως μπορώ να βάλω τα στοιχεία μου σε εκείνο το Router? ξέρω τι κάνεις και πως το κάνεις. το πρόβλημα μου είναι οτι απλά όταν τα βάζω δεν έχω σύνδεση, έχω δοκιμάσει αρκετά αλλά τίποτα, έχω αλλάξει και τα Name servers της Conn-x σε Cyta. Conn-x: Username = maxcheaters@otenet.gr , Password = 123456789 Cyta: Username = maxcheaters , Password = 123456789 αυτό δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω! κάποια βοήθεια? im again so sorry for this post on wrong section! :| thanks....
  9. hahahahahahaha :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever: :happyforever:
  10. im using individual vote manager, w/o any problem :P send me a msg if you want
  11. protected server i exeis kanei lathos sto L2Tower :) min to kaneis update sta last version.
  12. not bad, but it looks like a cuted horse on photoshop
  13. te0x i can't belive this, you can't fix hopzone problem on individual manager? use this , for me working fine :) w/o any problem. protected static int getVotes() { InputStreamReader isr = null; BufferedReader br = null; try { if(!hopzoneUrl.endsWith(".html")) hopzoneUrl+=".html"; URLConnection con = new URL(hopzoneUrl).openConnection(); con.addRequestProperty("User-L2Hopzone", "Mozilla/4.76"); isr = new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()); br = new BufferedReader(isr); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (line.contains("no steal make love")||line.contains("no votes here")||line.contains("bang, you don't have votes")|| line.contains("la vita e bella")) { int votes = Integer.valueOf(line.split(">")[2].replace("</span", "")); return votes; } } br.close(); isr.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("[VoteRewardManager]: Problem occured while getting Hopzone votes. Error Trace: " + e.getMessage()); } return -1; }
  14. why to make something like this?
  15. network/serverpackets/userinfo.java && charinfo.java here you must edit , find any comment about enchant or something , i item.getEnchantLevel() . if im not wrong also you must make something like .menu and so with this character can set Enable / Disable this feature
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