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Everything posted by MrPro*

  1. you are coming here to advertise the server which is full of cooperation ( including you ) so please even dont bother this project with your shits
  2. psaxnw atoma gia tn clan m stn e-global ama psineste mporoume na milisoume
  3. totally agree wasnt what i expected
  4. ok this is pretty amazing , nice move
  5. so as i understood if i play in your server and win few of the events i can make them to real cash is that true ????????
  6. MrPro ma kai as eiste oloi spoilers :D P.S des ta messages sou
  7. He is the owner of L2 nuance: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/192833-l2-nuance/page-1 plus he he has opened again many servers like mora ( again ) dpenedability and much more , he had keylogger in his patch so people take care with his files !
  8. He is the owner of L2 nuance: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/192833-l2-nuance/page-1 plus he he has opened again many servers like mora ( again ) dpenedability and much more , he had keylogger in his patch so people take care with his files !
  9. https://www.facebook.com/alex.alexman.1/posts/10206917776892655?pnref=story h gnwmh mou
  10. nowdays community is fucked up even dont boder yourself to take them serious
  11. I would like to go for the Global Moderator or Gold Member
  12. i am telling you facts with twitch that there are no people at all and you are telling me about fake votes , are fucked up or what?
  13. so indeed server redemption failed very hard while dorn is way better
  14. from twitch i see in sieges of redemption hardly more than 2 pts but in dorn there were at least like 3-4 pts
  15. and 18 in redemption so.. ? :you serious?:
  16. Seems like a very good project , good luck guys :)
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