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Everything posted by Sakretsos

  1. by the way , i have install the server but keygen is not working :( i have add the costum pack ! help me please !
  2. ok thnx you !! and something last... can you tell me the 100% drop chance ?
  3. Lol not want this one .. i want to add costum drop list ;)
  4. you use msn ? for talk about adons / price's .... etc.
  5. Done !!! but can someone help me for this ? thnx !
  6. Sorry man but i don't understand you :S !
  7. hmm can you give me more informations about this ? SQL: INSERT INTO `custom_droplist` VALUES ('21799', '9999', '1', '2', '0', '1000000000'); INSERT INTO `custom_droplist` VALUES ('MOBID', 'ITEMID','MIN= what mean that ? how will be the minium drop ?', 'Max = the max one ?', 'category= what i must put ?' , 'chance= what i must put for 100% ?'); example .. i want mob id 21799 drop costum coins id 9999 in every mob 1-5 100% can someone help me to make this sql file ? thnx !!
  8. mporo na se boithiso file mou an thelis !! add me sto msn ( j_tavernarakis@hotmail.com )
  9. hello guys i need to create an event into my server that when you kill some mobs (example mob id : 7000 , 7001 ) can droped 1 costum item ( exmple coin id : 9999 ) someone can help me ? i want make 1 event look like medals one !! look above: <Event ID="Medals Event" Active="24 Dec 2006-26 Dec 2014"> <Droplist> <AllDrop Items="6392" Count="1,4" Chance="40%" /> </Droplist> <Droplist> <AllDrop Items="6393" Count="1,2" Chance="2%" /> </Droplist> <Message Type="OnJoin" Msg="Medals Event: You can collect medals from all mobs and trade them for event rewards!" /> <EventEnd> <Take From="AllPlayers"> <Item ItemID="6392-6393"></Item> </Take> </EventEnd> </Event> what i must change to fix it to drop coins only mobs with id : 7000 , 7001 .. not all. maybe i must change this one ( <AllDrop Items="6392" Count="1,4" Chance="40%" /> ) but can somone explane me what i must write ? thnx and sorry for my english ;)
  10. Thnx you Man !!! Topic Closed !!!.
  11. i instaled but i have some questions ... this costum system can see all players ? or only this who have it ? becuase i install it into my server but only the player who kill the other 5 times can see the glow .. why ? thnx !!!
  12. O.M.G LoL Check the link before speak !!!! link is fake !!!!!
  13. hello please if someone have the l2 acount creator for l2off and l2cp can share it ... sorry for my english .... thnx :)
  14. link is fake.... please someone fix it !!! thnx
  15. Topic Locked !
  16. me tin boithia tou no-ip.com ---> statheri ip ...
  17. Hello Guys I Sell Items On Gold .. if you want something of the list add my msn (zoulou_tumpaki@hotmail.com) List: 1)Halisha Bow +17 2)Apella set light 55% 3)apella Set Light 60% 4)baium 5)ant queen 6)trident +11 7)Halisha bow +12
  18. What is that and what i can do to fix it ? thnx with not lost chars... thnx
  19. allo have enyone share c1 file edit for offisial server? i have search but nothing... thnx or share c1 system with ip thnx
  20. ~Some Information About Buff Time Editor~ Nothing to explain, it reads skilldata.txt and modifies buff times to whatever you want. It won't modify de-buff times (anchor, silence, w/e) since it uses a hard-coded list of skills it is supposed to read and modify. Probably some buffs are missing, just let me know the name and ID, and i'll add it to the list... remember to always save a backup of your skilldata.txt file, i won't be responsible for any possible damage or loss of data Version 1.1: -> added the option to set all skills with the same effect time (won't change invocation, heart of paagrio, chant of life and celestial shield because they are supposed to have a very short effect time) Version 1.1.5: -> added Resist Fire, Resist Wind, Resist Poison, Resist Aqua, Regeneration and Mana Regeneration Known issues: Each skill must be on one line. Two skills can't be on the same line, and one skill cannot occupy two lines Each skill parameter must be separated by "tabs" ('\t'), and not by spaces. It will modify each skill on the list, even if you didn't change it's time. So, on time enchanted buffs, it will use my formula to determine the effect time instead of the original one List might be (and probably is) incomplete ~Screen Shot~ ~Download~ http://rapidshare.com/files/105223957/L2OffBuffTimeEditor.exe.html Crebits By PostPacific
  21. An psaksis sto search tha bris pola links .... edo sou exo merika .. des ta. . ( den ksero an douleuoun ena search ekana ..) ~Download Kamael-Hellbound File Edit~ 1)http://rapidshare.com/files/116978228/L2_FileEdit__Kam-Hel_.rar pass=www.maxcheaters.com Kamel-HellBound File Edit 8.0.0 Ver 2)http://rapidshare.com/files/110181071/L2_FileEdit_for_Kam-Hel_ver_8.0.0.rar
  22. man you have to give me MSSQL Server 32 bit .. my windows 2003 is 32 bits so can help me ?
  23. PPL Realease i can't downloaded... can enyone fix it ........
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