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Everything posted by Sakretsos

  1. i want trade ( Dc Robe set +6 / tateosian set +4/+0 / Baium ring / Arcana mace acumen +0 / tallum heavy set / NObless char / 3 subs /) and other more for l2gold items
  2. for more information come to my server site and do application for developer thnx
  3. hi guys i looking for good developer have money to buy a new pc server and good internet but i want 1 good developer... if enyone good developer want post here
  4. First Download Mani_Admin_Plugin at http://rapidshare.com/files/85129817/admin_plugins.rar Let's Start to Instal the Mani_Admin_Plugin 1) Extract the mani_admin_plugin_v1_2_beta_s.zip at deskop. Appeared 4 folders (addons , cfg , materials , sounds) copy this files and paste at your server ( C:\Program Files\Valve\HLServer(or your server name)\cstrike ) 2) now go at (C:\Program Files\Valve\HLServer(or your server name)\cstrike\addons\CreateVDF and at game type set "cstrike" ( with no "....." ) 3) now extraxt the file with name windows_client_txt_generator.zip at Deskop Appeared 1 file with name windows_client_txt_generator.exe double click at file you have open 1 ms-dos window like : 1) 2) 3) now 1 txt file with name clients have create copy this file and paste at (C:\Program Files\Valve\HLServer(or your server name)\cstrike\cfg\mani_admin_plugin\ ) and paste the file with name clients Now go at your server with your steam and write at console "admin" ( with no ".....") and you can edit the server from this menu
  5. On this page we will cover the installtion process of Counter-Strike: Source on the Windows XP operating system. First, you will need to download and install the windows http://rapidshare.com/files/85102547/hldsupdatetool_for_source.exe (local download). The default install path is C:\Program Files\Valve\HLServer which is fine in most cases. Your drive letter may differ than above. Be sure you run the hldsupdatetool installer with administrator privileges. Once you've installed the hldsupdatetool, continue reading. Let's Start: 1) On Windows, click start, then select run and type cmd then, in the DOS window type: cd C:\Program Files\Valve\HLServer 2) Now, lets update and install Counter-Strike: Source, run the following command: Code: HldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -game "Counter-Strike Source" -dir . 3)Installation will take around 30-60 minutes (~800MB). After the "HLDS installation up to date" message, setup is now complete and you are ready to start the server. 4)Starting CS Source Server via Console Browse to C:\Program Files\Valve\HLServer find and right click srcds.exe and select Create Shortcut. Now you should have a shortcut icon of srcds.exe. Right click that newly created shortcut and select Properties By now, You should be in the shortcut properties window. 5) Counter-Strike command line options Below are a list of commands you can enter in the target field to start the server. -console Initializes console mode -autoupdate Automatically update the server when Steam updates are released -game <game name> The HLDS mod you want to run +maxplayers <number of players> Amount of players to allow +map <map name> The map to start the server with +port <port number> The port number the server should run on. Can be left out if you plan on using the default port (27015). Under the shortcut target field is where you will need to enter some options. See above for current -flags you can use, we want to start our server with a limit of 20 players and on cs_italy so our shortcut target field will look like this: "C:\Program Files\Valve\HLServer\srcds.exe" -console -game cstrike -autoupdate +maxplayers 20 +map cs_italy Now we click OK on the Shortcut window. To start the server we simply double click the shortcut we created and the server will start up with the options we added to the target area. Our server is now running: 6)You can also start the server without creating a shortcut: Click on Start, Run, then type cmd now in the DOS prompt window, type: cd C:\Program Files\Valve\HLServer then type: srcds.exe -console -game cstrike -autoupdate +maxplayers 20 +map cs_italy However, we recommend creating the shortcut so you do not have to type the commands each and every time you want start the server. Eventually, you will want to alter the server hostname, and other cvars for the server. To do this, use our SRCDS cfgmaker, It can generate a configuration file, even if you have very little knowledge. [move]THE GUIDE TO CREATE CSS SERVER ON WINDOWS FINISHED[/move]
  6. i wan to aplay i have server at css i know css all mobs / gun game/admin plugin/quake sounds or costum sounds/ and more others and i know to open server at linux or windows my server ip is check it if you want
  7. you can tel me this code at emu pack ? but i want to pay 2kkk adena for become hero no for ever for rr at char only thnx
  8. hi guys i share epic mask and epic shield for emu only for emu Downloads:Mirror1:http://rapidshare.com/files/81920670/epic_mask-shield.rar Don't Forget To Say Thnx :)
  9. eee lol ego ixa modem kai anagastika na paro rooter gia na anikso ton server ....
  10. ela filos pare emu last rev Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/78266296/emu_pack_rev__1413_.rar (p.S. den to exo doulepsi auto na do an douleui pisteuo na douleui an den douleui kane post kai pesto na sou doso allo)
  11. thnx man Topic Locked
  12. Pare auto to pack eine tis emu exi buffer gm shop kai ta lipa events alla den ksero an mporis na to kataferis na aniksis ton server den eine gia arxarious me start kai stop gia na min ta polilogo pare to pack kai goodluck Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/78266296/emu_pack_rev__1413_.rar eine i last rev apo interlud tora tha bgazoune kamael packs
  13. ok Topic Locked
  14. i kai to LogMeIn www.logmein.com gia na se help pio poli : 1) katebazis to programa gia na to kanis instal gia to remote: Download:http://rapidshare.com/files/78470528/LogMeIn_1.rar.html 2)ftiaxnis Trial acount:https://secure.logmein.com/products/pro/register.asp Kai ise etimos kala remote !!!! :P (p.s pisteuo na kseris na kanis instal to programa den eine toso diskolo)
  15. to thema lithike Topic Locked Edit By Noble: -1 karma trelolos gia necro xse8apsimo...apo ton augousto einai to topic eleos
  16. Latest Rev At Emu Project http://rapidshare.com/files/78266296/emu_pack_rev__1413_.rar
  17. Man exis static ip ? prepi na exis static ip gia server an den exis mporis na bris sto www.no-ip.info
  18. thnx for golden armor :)
  19. Nice share man ^^
  20. file ego to exo to emu to last rev kai pezi kanonika esi den ksero ti exis kani lathos kaneme add sto msn (zoulou_tumpaki@hotmail.com)
  21. ok done Topic Locked
  22. Or Fix for create sql: UPDATE `npc` SET `name`='Your New Name',`serverSideName`='1',`title`='NPC Title',`serverSideTitle`='1',`type`='L2Merchant' WHERE (`id`='NPC ID '); [move]say thnx ^^[/move]
  23. what pack you have ?
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