On this page we will cover the installtion process of Counter-Strike: Source on the Windows XP operating system. First, you will need to download and install the windows
(local download). The default install path is C:\Program Files\Valve\HLServer which is fine in most cases. Your drive letter may differ than above. Be sure you run the hldsupdatetool installer with administrator privileges. Once you've installed the hldsupdatetool, continue reading.
Let's Start:
1) On Windows, click start, then select run and type cmd then, in the DOS window type:
cd C:\Program Files\Valve\HLServer
2) Now, lets update and install Counter-Strike: Source, run the following command:
HldsUpdateTool.exe -command update -game "Counter-Strike Source" -dir .
3)Installation will take around 30-60 minutes (~800MB). After the "HLDS installation up to date" message, setup is now complete and you are ready to start the server.
4)Starting CS Source Server via Console
Browse to C:\Program Files\Valve\HLServer find and right click srcds.exe and select Create Shortcut. Now you should have a shortcut icon of srcds.exe. Right click that newly created shortcut and select Properties
By now, You should be in the shortcut properties window.
5) Counter-Strike command line options
Below are a list of commands you can enter in the target field to start the server.
Initializes console mode
Automatically update the server when Steam updates are released
-game <game name>
The HLDS mod you want to run
+maxplayers <number of players>
Amount of players to allow
+map <map name>
The map to start the server with
+port <port number>
The port number the server should run on. Can be left out if you plan on using the default port (27015).
Under the shortcut target field is where you will need to enter some options. See above for current -flags you can use, we want to start our server with a limit of 20 players and on cs_italy so our shortcut target field will look like this:
"C:\Program Files\Valve\HLServer\srcds.exe" -console -game cstrike -autoupdate +maxplayers 20 +map cs_italy
Now we click OK on the Shortcut window. To start the server we simply double click the shortcut we created and the server will start up with the options we added to the target area. Our server is now running:
6)You can also start the server without creating a shortcut: Click on Start, Run, then type cmd now in the DOS prompt window, type:
cd C:\Program Files\Valve\HLServer
then type:
srcds.exe -console -game cstrike -autoupdate +maxplayers 20 +map cs_italy
However, we recommend creating the shortcut so you do not have to type the commands each and every time you want start the server.
Eventually, you will want to alter the server hostname, and other cvars for the server. To do this, use our SRCDS cfgmaker, It can generate a configuration file, even if you have very little knowledge.