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Everything posted by Sakretsos

  1. ela re np ola teliosane omorfa kai orea xaris ton mraderson
  2. Dite auto balte foni na akoute logia (Greek Videos) And NEA ZWI GIA OLOUS TOUS ROCKADES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lq0pz1iSNLY
  3. ithele na mou klepsi antharas+4 kai dusk staf +7 mou lei sou dino 220 euro ego katalaba kapos pos itan scameri alla den iksera kiolas o notadsent mou lei na tou ta doso ta items den eine scamer gt ixe kani mazi tou trades me items kai lefta meta milao me mraderson kai tou leo na milisoume oli mazi meta den ksero pos alla katalabe o mraderson pos o chriss itan scammer kai meta mou lei na min tou doso ta items kai teliose i istoria
  4. mr aderson eise pextaras me esoses apo ton scamer kai filaraki mou thnx re man (john zoulou edo) thnx re
  5. re pedia an exete tin kalosini na mou kanete share ena klasiko gm shop xoris sealed pisteuo na me katalabenete an exete di c4 gm shop kati paromio an mporite help me :) c6 gmshop bebea
  6. IN 17/12/2007 have the new update
  7. use c6 client
  8. gia na min spamaroume kane add to msn mou eime online zoulou_tumpaki@hotmail.com
  9. file pare backup kai bale allo pack ego sou sistino to emu to new pack ta spai ola an thes na sto kano upload pes a kai pes pio pack exis
  10. To Thema Lithike Topic Locked
  11. File Malon epathe Problima to pack an ixes pari backup tin database kanis ena roalback kai ksanapernas to pack kai eise ok :)
  12. To Thema Lithike Topic Locked
  13. [move]# Server Staff #[/move] Admin : Sakretsos DEV: Static HGM: MrAderson GM: Justice,Azerial ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [move]# -------------------# # Server Rates # # -------------------#[/move] RateXp x9000. RateSp x9000 RatePartyXp x9000. RatePartySp x9000. RateDropAdena x8000. RateDropItems x1 RateDropSpoil x1 RateDropManor x1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [move]# ------------------------- # # Enchantment System # # ------------------------- #[/move] EnchantChanceWeapon 85% EnchantChanceArmor 85% EnchantChanceJewelry 85% EnchantChanceWeaponCrystal 90% EnchantChanceArmorCrystal 90% EnchantChanceJewelryCrystal 90% EnchantChanceWeaponBlessed 100% EnchantChanceArmorBlessed 100% EnchantChanceJewelryBlessed 100% [move]# Enchant limit #[/move] EnchantMaxWeapon +35 EnchantMaxArmor +35 EnchantMaxJewelry +35 [move]# Safe till #[/move] EnchantSafeMax +10 EnchantSafeMaxFull +11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [move]#==================# # # Custom Settings # # #==================#[/move] Npc Announcer Npc Enchanter Gm Shop Costum Shop Craft Manager Jail Manager Npc Buffer (With All Buffs) Npc Change Lvl (Under Developing) Npc Protector Raid Event Champions Mobs Wedding System PvP/Pk Manager (Under Developing) Costum Shop Kamael Weapons Kamael Armors Epic Armors Epic Weapons Kamael aceesories Jedi Weapons And Others Costums Weapons New Server pack will unleashed for l2tympaki usage at 17/12/2007 Containing: iNFiNiTY*SkillS Event System Good VS Evil Event System Custom Weapons (Interlude - Chaotic throne) The new amazing tribe Kamael Many many more Rare Items - Weapons - Armors - Monsters - Mobs Chaotic Throne Places - Farming Areas. Developer Static -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [move]#Downloads#[/move] Full Patch :http://rapidshare.com/files/74426851/Full_Patch_L2Tympaki_Server.rar
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