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Everything posted by Sakretsos

  1. Thnx for your vouch !.
  2. i have not use it at all !. so i can transfer it to other guy that want to use it !.
  3. as the title says .. ! i sell Advext64 Test License... this mean that you will have a restriction of 20 players cuase is test license .. and if you want to upgrade them to full license .. you just need to pay 190 USD ( 140 euro ), For more information send me private message !.
  4. from ovh, latest ETA is 10 - 14 days !.
  5. as Octave have inform us is 480 GBPS , 480 MPPS ( Sources: http://forum.ovh.co.uk/showthread.php?p=46133#post46133 ) Pre Firewall Firewall Network Tilera Arbor All firewalls is not "CRACKED" is real ! and validated !. ( OMG ) , also i accept you on skype .. ( i was sleeping .. lawl ).
  6. thnx, New Offer Added !, note that when i reach 8 customers i will stop resell dedicated servers !. So be fast ! and dont miss this offer !. Also note that the new offer can be ready on 1 day !. ( the offer with 16 gb ram is sold out from datacenter .. i wait news from them when i can reopen that offers !).
  7. done ! please a moderator close the topic !.
  8. i wanting someone that can exchange my 5 euro psc to 3,5 - 4 paypal ! thnx you ! ( waiting private messages )
  9. you rip themes .. lelouch or falcon is the most trusted member.. and on of the best Web site developers !, first learn who is lelouch and then tell bad things for them ... !! GJ Falcon !.
  10. thnx i got the C&C on steam !. ALSO I buy mine ! <3
  11. as you see ovh ddos attacks graphics ... and arbor peakflows servers ... when someone attack you .. then ip filtered to VAC systems.. so ? your server is up without downtimes ... ! but ok .. dont spam this thread.. if someone need protection can buy from milions of companys that provide ddos protection !.
  12. because you dont know what you say.. and i dont know if your ovh customer ... check our INFORMATION from CEO of ovh company .... "Redundancy ---------- The redundancy of a VAC is guaranteed by another VAC. By the end of August, we will be installing 3 VAC mitigation units in 3 locations: - Strasbourg, France (SBG) - Roubaix, France (RBX) - Beauharnois, Canada (BHS) The 3 VACs will function in parallel and each VAC will suck up the traffic nearest to it, in order to clean it, then it will inject it into the internal network that we have set up between all the DCs. So an attack coming from Miami, FL will pass through BHS, where the VAC3 will clean it, then the traffic will enter the internal network. From BHS it will pass through GRA, through RBX to arrive, for example, in SBG at the server that is the victim of a DDoS attack. The total capacity of our 3 VACs is 3 x 160Gbps, which is 480Gbps/480Mpps. It's the biggest known mitigation infrastructure that a an infrastructure supplier has made available to their customers." Sources: http://forum.ovh.co.uk/showthread.php?p=46133#post46133 PROOFS ?? BIGEST ATTACK ON OVH NETWORK .. ( AUGUST 2013 ) - ( BETA PHASE ) PROOFS 2 ATTACK ON JULY 2013 - ( BETA PHASE ) Example of an attack. Light blue: EU East, Dark blue: EU West, Green: USA VAC Mitigation Service ?? VAC0 BASE DDOS DETECTION SERVERS EXAMPLE OF VAC2 ( NOTE THAT OVH HAVE 3X THIS ) ANTI DDOS LAYER 7 ATTACKS HARDWARE VAC 3 CISCO ANTI DDOS SOLUTION https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BPpF3y3CMAApm9h.jpg[/img] PRICES ?? - Sharing the costs of the VAC and the teams with all existing and future customers that we have on our infrastructure - this is the solution that we have chosen. In this scenario we're talking about a mandatory option for all existing dedicated servers, VPS and dedicated clouds. Since there are so many customers, the service price increase is very low as a result: - VPS: +£0.50/month - KS: +£1/month - SP: +£1/month - EG: +£2/month - MG: +£2/month - HG: +£3/month - Dedicated Cloud: +£5/month - Colocation (France only): +€10/month i dont even know if you are test that you say.. but as i have some css servers on ovh dedicated without firewall on .. and often i got attacks.. 1) peoples never disconnected 2) peoples dont have more latency .. but stable 75 ping ( from greece ) 3) NEVER mass disconnected !. 4) I send message to octave about that .. so i wait official reply from CEO !
  13. New Exchange ! faster than ever ! 1 min ! thnx you again sterlning !.
  14. Bring My Thread Up !.
  15. hyperfilter is very good but costs ... i recommend ovh ... have good ddos protection more than 10 gbps up to 380 gbps for all customers .. ( now is on beta mode until 1st of september )
  16. realy i dont use our service.. i just know that have good reputation !. Note that you can bring 100000 companys out there selling ddos protection .. !
  17. add the proper prexif :) , also for ddos protection psomas is the most trusted person here , never used our services... but i see that have good reputation on forum :)
  18. hello there , can someone provide l2off acount manager with proper security ! thnx you in advance !.
  19. ovh dont allow you to install a crack serial number .. !! you MUST know that ... if your ovh customer !.
  20. to buy a license from any E-SHOP costs 140 euro for 5 users ... ( http://www.you.gr/b2c_iqshop/b2c/pd.do?pg=FBBDFE1CE762114F8C19C507C10BD8CD&pa=8486B056B774F54B9282EECEE80639C6 )
  21. First of all , thnx for your reply ! . And lets compire packages !. 1) I have post that the servers is from ovh network. 2) ovh sells kimsufi 16 gb with windows 48 euro / month. ( i sell it with only 35 euro with windows ) 3) ovh dont provide support on kimsufi servers. ( i provide support ) 4) ovh ALLOW resseling of our dedicated machines. 5) please if you fail to sell ddos protection dont spam on my thread.
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