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Everything posted by sekyyy

  1. NICE ONE M8
  2. i managed to get some progs working u didnt mentioned :D
  3. 999999999999 zariche
  4. cant use hp pots :S
  5. well it sux, coz theres no fun on siegen than tho :S
  6. try to reinstal l2 and dl new walker
  7. its nice, but u should get some english lessons ;)
  8. you can do it, but i dont know how, coz i was playing on a servah c4 with 3 bars
  9. coz of sh1t hellsing made, but hes gone now :D
  10. nice one meng!
  11. works for me, tnx
  12. Well i need an interlude oog walker guide, i tryed the c4 one but cant get it work, so if someone can, please do a guide, coz i KNOW many ppl need it ;)
  13. well, making a ++ weapon isnt such a big prolem, and about adding cov/pof to npc buffers...its crazy..noone would play em :S anyway u can get a solution with making dualbox cov/pof/pow/... BAN for support and 24h jail for char using it
  14. there aren't many ppl online, but it's growing. some farm info ;) U can farm lucky coins in coin of luck area 2...at the end kill only shouts(didnt spell right :S) U can farm Royal coins in Infinity area with an bishop with reflect buffs(Song of venegance, chant of revenge) U can farm adena on primeval island with destroyer, its good to have dynasty light on it, and u need a cov, and a boted bish ;) PS....dont get attacked from more than 1 mob on PI
  15. loled...what about lineage2, which has 14 milion+ players, and cod2/4...
  16. gr8 share..maby +1 karma?
  17. im not such a pro ;).....i just know the basics....try to 100% delete lineage II folder, and dl patch aggain....maby your antivirus has someting to do with it
  18. Amercan Pie series <3
  19. what about making a simple guide ow to bypass it and sticky?...my english is too bad to understand this one ;)
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