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  1. I'm good at browsing the internet, so you probably won't find it but I hope I'm wrong. I'm looking forward.
  2. I already have it buddy but thanks. The Core, Engine and System folder with UCC file is missing. I can't find it.
  3. i want all .uc files
  4. WTB interface.u source protocol 196 fafurion
  5. Hello everyone, In the server.properties file I can change between classic server or free or live. Anyway, when I change between classic and other, I can only choose 5 races when on classic. Can this be changed so that there is still GOD but there are 5 races to choose from? I understand that I need to edit the game client, does anyone know which files to look for? Thank you, Sonti.
  6. Thank you all for your reply. I have already written to l2crypt.com but the guys haven't replied for 3 days, so I decided to write here. Master! Nothing happens when I enter this link. I'm sending a private message to Alisa and Celestine. Thank you people. Edit: I would like to say that Celestine helped me a lot. The topic may be closed. Thank you MxC, without you I wouldn't have anywhere to write and get help.
  7. Hello cheaters, Could one of the experts decrypt this interface? I'll buy you a four-pack of beer. Regards, Sonti. https://drive.google.com/file/d/14Ze426BJ9j9VPBhfjGJ4U-eO8SQJxZtu/view?usp=drive_link
  8. I appreciate your reply. From Nightw0lf's entry I understand that it's not worth using this code. I went one by one and had to change important things in the acis code. I'm changing it to the original version and looking for something better. An4rchy I don't know Java, I do everything by copy paste and sometimes I shine and I don't know how Thank you for your answer, I'll try something myself with the internet. I found another thing. I think this code is better but I will be grateful if you take a look at it. Unfortunately, the code is incomplete and I don't even know what's missing. https://pastebin.com/MTbQv2FJ Thank you.
  9. I just found this on the internet few days ago. TvT Acis 398 Yo: Sarada - Pastebin.com It's hard to find a working TvT Event for acis 399+. The others from revision 382+ don't work for me, I don't know java to be able to do it myself. This one worked and generally everything works. A colleague Zake suggested not to use this code so I'm sure he knows and I'll listen to him. Sorry for the late reply and thank you all for replying.
  10. Hi, This shows up when shutting down or restarting the server. Does anyone know a solution and could help me?
  11. Working on Acis 401
  12. Hi, I would like to ask if someone could tell me how to make a subclass if you have an item in your inventory. It is not supposed to be removed, it is just to check if it is there. I have something like that, but it doesn't work, unfortunately, not as I would like. The point is to check whether a given item A or B is in the inventory. If one of them is, it goes on. // Check character items in inventory if ((player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(7213) == null) || (player.getInventory().getInventoryItemCount(7223, 0) < 1)) { player.sendMessage("You may add a new sub class after finish level 3 of Varka Silenos or Ketra Orc alliance."); player.setLocked(false); return; } This code is a pure example, I know it's bad I'm a total amateur. I need for my own needs. Thank you in advance for your help
  13. I downloaded this game client this morning: https://mega.nz/file/5xFgCTwZ#dJSLc9Xf8J90bv2V4WQPmggCtxo5EGs_ytHR9-VJMRw After unpacking, I put a patch in there and there is the same error. Don't tell me that I am doing something wrong, out of 1000 systems I have changed in my life, there is no option to do something wrong.
  14. Dude, when I paste random stuff, it's always a fresh system! Still doesn't work ...
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