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Everything posted by aneos

  1. I regret that I quit WoW now xD wanna start again, but this DAMN school starts in a couple of weeks :(
  2. seriously, lvling in WoW was pretty fun imo... BGs, instances, even quests are fun sometimes... but when you hit 80 the real thing starts ;) ;)
  3. goblins definitely be alliance!! and worgen should be Horde... I mean worgen are like monsters and goblins are humanoids...
  4. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/cataclysm/media/?autoplay=true#video that's the official site for the video...
  5. ok, so where can I find the Garena Crack... :) basically all I want is not to have the 5 seconds when I try to join rooms... I don't really care about the rest, so can someone show me how to bypass this ? thx in advance
  6. You have to enable it from the options... Right now I can't show some pics because I don't have the bot, but if you enable pots when HP < 80% it will use pots even when you sit
  7. I need an L2 Walker that can work with Gracia part 2... thx in advance... EDIT: Lock topic pls, I got it from a friend.
  8. lol I actually did say once "omg I just took 300 frost damage" when I got hit by a snowball in winter xDD
  9. lol really nice pics dude ;) I liked the Kamael Trickster and the SPS...
  10. :O, thx a lot m8 now that I started L2 again I kept getting a critical error and didn't know what to do... =D
  11. omg, hunter twinks are SO annoying xD especially with the damned spider!! :)
  12. The difference between WoW and Warcraft III is like the difference between L2 and CS...
  13. dude IT IS NOT AN HONOR HACK!!! you will not get extra honor by sitting and scratching your head... you send this to some guy and do something bad to his acc (dunno what exactly...) sooo, it does work 100% as intended...
  14. did anyone get banned yet ? xDDD
  15. Ummm, can someone test it for viruses xD I got no anti-virus atm... if it's clear I can test it in Garena...
  16. lewlz! free gold membership... wish we had a nice Mega XP hack working with the new updates... then leave the megaXP for a week =D
  17. ummm, could you explain what it does? I mean how does it help? can't you just create a game? xD
  18. umm I think it's Dugi's, not Dulgi's... not that it matters but I noticed... nice share btw...! :)
  19. btw a very nice team is a Holy pala + 2 Retri palas... why? 1.) 1 Holy pala is more than enough to heal both the others... 2.) 2 Retri palas are enough to Kill anyone in the arena or the BG... 3.) 3 Judgements --> judgement of light, wisdom, and justice on 1 target = DEAD MEAT 4.) 3 Instant full heals... 5.) 2 off-spec healers 6.) 3 BUBBLES!!!! 7.) 3 auras... could be a retri, a wisdom and a resistance depending on your opponent... need anything else?
  20. *UPDATED FOR 3.2* see 1st post for link.
  21. hmmm, about warlock addons... I think that ForteXorcist is more than enough... the rest are nothing compared and with ForteXorcist I didn't miss anything...
  22. lol, I just couldn't get bored of it... Especially now, when I cleared Ulduar, Coliseum came, and more are coming up... So I quit because I should study for school instead of studying for new raids xD
  23. I think it is double posting m8, you can still edit your message... Anyway I could be wrong dunno... /ontopic LoL'd!!! I'm definitely going to try it with my account now that I quit WoW...! My account is definitely worth at least 200e so I guess I could make something out of it...
  24. aha ok, didn't see it before the edit... anyway downloading the map atm, wanna try it out
  25. well generally, paladins are the ultimate noob-friendly characters =D very few skills to use depending on other classes...
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