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Everything posted by aneos

  1. No1: Since you are not actually selling or buying anything, then I don't think this should be in the Marketplace thread. No2: It doesn't get f**cked up when you do dungeons or BGs. No3: You can start at any lvl you want without any trouble. No4: I think there have been 2 more posts about this. But all in all, it's a great guide, and thanks for sharing it.
  2. http://www.w3schools.com/ has in my opinion, the best guides.
  3. I don't see ANY reason why, a GM would want to be invisible to a Moderator...
  4. I played as well. High population, no lag, almost 0 bugs. The only problem is that, at low lvl, there are way too many people doing quests :P
  5. IMO the best way to make gold, is by combining professions and the AH. I stopped doing the dailies, just because I could make far more money through the AH. I have 3 lvl 80s. So in total, I have 450 tailoring, 450 enchanting, 450 alchemy, 450 Inscription (and some more :P) So, I buy the mats to make flasks, and because I have an alchemist, I make flasks, and sell them for double the original price. Then I buy all the green items, Disenchant them, and sell the mats for a lot of profit. Same thing for glyphs. It's all about the professions if you ask me...!
  6. Just get an autotyper that will press space every 10 seconds and that's all :P
  7. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=49313.0 It should be the newest one.
  8. It also depends on the boss though. On some bosses, melee do more damage, and on some other bosses casters do more damage. Especially on bosses where you have to move a lot.
  9. UPDATED --> Look at first post.
  10. Default UI is nice when you're leveling up, or just PvPing. But for raids, some addons are totally necessary.
  11. [gr] steile kana screenshot pls, 8elw na to dw opwsdipote!! :P [/gr]
  12. I'd definitely vote for warlocks. All 3 specs are doing carloads of damage, if played by the right person.
  13. allright look: There's me (A), and my friend, who I recruited (B). so, A recruits B, and we start from lvl 1. We get both get our chars to lvl 60 normally. So. for every 2levels A gets, on any of his chars, from lvl 10 to 60, he can use the "grant a level" function, and give a free level to B. So, if you get from lvl 10 to 20, you'll have 5 levels to grant. source
  14. I'd like to see a Gnome Rogue with all those buffs -.- It would be smaller than a tauren's hoof...
  15. You only get the month after he's bought a gamecard, or made a subscription. I've done it with 4 accounts, and I'm pretty sure about this.
  16. I guess it'd be fun to just teleport away every time some freaking rogue stun locks you =)
  17. Fable 3 coming out soon! http://www.lionhead.com/News.aspx?newsid=77
  18. Alright. I had about 5.6k gs (though I don't think it really matters) and I had about 33kmp unbuffed. Got up to 37-38k MP on 25mans. And that's with Mp5/INT gems on blue sockets, and SP/INT on red ones. If you spam FoL non-stop, then you'll get like 80% overheals and your MP will go down fast. But you still can't run OOM, unless you're actually trying to. It's just impossible. Say you have 30k MP. You'd need to do 100 FoL to go OOM if you had 0 regen. But you also have Illumination and Divine Illumination. + The replenishment from other classes, + mana pot + arcane torrent (if you're horde), + Innervate (if someone offers it). You're saying: Spam - spam - spam flash of light and holy shock. And nothing goes to waste? What about the priests's AoE heals? The druid's HoTs? the shaman's chain heals? When the tank healer, heals the raid, then the raid healer's heals are over-heals, and the pala goes OOM faster. On the other hand, when the tank healer, heals the tanks, then the raid healers focus on the raid, and everyone's job becomes easier. If you're doing TOC, and your tank is in full ICC gear, then yeah, he won't take much damage. But when you're doing ICC25, you can't expect the tank to take little damage. The fights are mostly about the tanks getting a$$-r@ped, and they can't be healed easily if you use flashes of light. Well, then what happens when you actually run OOM? Or when the boss gets a +90% dmg and +50% atk. speed? (/point @ Festergut or similar bosses) You've got to know when the tank will take much dmg, and be prepared for it. You can't expect to do a crit every time you heal. Say that for some reason, the tank goes down to 5k HP. The first thing you'll do is Holy Shock + Flash of Light. if you're lucky and get some crits, then you'll do (approx) 15k heal, in 2 seconds ( that's 2 global cooldowns). If you're not lucky and you don't get the crits, you'll do about 10k heal in 2 seconds. BUT, if you've got more haste, then you can just use a Holy Light, and heal a nice 13k(non-crit) in 1.3sec and then an instant Holy Shock for 5-7k more. With criticals, then it'd be about 20k + 5-10k in 1.5sec :) You said you go OOM pretty fast when you spam heals. Also, divine plea is (in my opinion) useless. You can't rely on it. If the tank healer, heals for half the amount for 15 seconds, then the tank's screwed. I only use Divine Plea on situations when I know that I won't have to heal for some seconds, just to get some spare 2-3k MP back. Hope I didn't bore ya :P
  19. Kula World Medievil The 2 greatest games ever made!
  20. I'd prefer to buy the 264 belt for half the gold :P
  21. Pio sygkekrimena, anti gia to arxeio Launcher.exe, trekse to arxeio Wow.exe
  22. Just use your imagination :P I don't think it's simple to scam someone though. Few people will fall for it. But it's simply the best for flaming. Whenever someone ignores me, I create a new char, and send him a mail with the best of wishes =D
  23. It works, but you still need an anti-afk BOT, so you don't get automatically kicked.
  24. ACCOUNT SOLD Lock this pls. :)
  25. Umm, isn't this in the wrong section? There's a Wow Hacks / Exploits section. Anyway, did anyone use it after all? I bet God mode would be fun ^^
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