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Everything posted by ^Moon^

  1. //care_mode on
  2. I want a list of maxcheaters members who play on this server. Leave your name from game here.
  3. I joined this server on website i see 1000+ online In game are only 50 ( max ) and 15% of them are afk or dual box Server dead even with [sticky]
  4. Clan Event Webpage Info: http://www.l2elite-pvp.com/#!clan-event/c21nl Bring your clan to L2 Elite(Devianna 30x) and win Clan Reputation Points How you do this, very simple! Call your mates, join server together and pm admin or contact admin on skype: paul.star.r (black and white photo with me) After you confirmed your stay in L2 Elite(Devianna 30x) your clan will recive CRP! You must have minimum 7 active clan members Clan with 10 active players will recive after frist week 1 demo AIO Buffer ( only for 3 days ) Need to pass 3 days for 100% confirm your stay on L2 Elite
  5. check this out
  6. Nice server, everyone can see there is a lot of hard work and lost nights... Keep up. great job!
  7. Give me a reason to pay 6 month host 330 euro +DDOS protection if i didn't had l2phx protection and ANTI-BOT^^
  8. Server is protected in this way then. There are wasn't and will not be "cheaters". You know what im say'in' right?
  9. I think you talk about l2phx, right?
  10. they have no effect in server ( server prtoected )
  11. I mean you can make bots but you cannot leave them alone more then 10 minutes maximum... 1st reason = system as you question when you are in farming zone(active) 2nd reason mana potions restore low amount of mana and you need to take a break every 6-7 minutes for mana regen( if you are mage ) If you are destroyer or warlord or whatever you will get some questions and need to answer correct( everytime qeustion change and answers too , we got 1000 different questions and answers )
  12. Updated new Event NPC. Join us 1000+ online active players ( FREE BOTS SERVER )
  13. Our community raised now we are arround 800+++ online everyday and 1500+++ in weekends. Special thanks for all who advertised our server and helped our community to grow. Thanks to maxcheaters for make ourself known all arround this forum. This weekend new event will spawn with new secret things. Keep online and keep watch our news on website. With respect, ^Moon^!
  14. New Advertise Event is comming up soon. check our website: www.l2elite-pvp.com everyday And our forum webpage: l2elite.moreforum.com News about event rules comming soon. prepare yourself to win^^
  15. This was an UPDATE I updated events for everyone to know :) Events are still up. See you in game. Have a nice day!
  16. Join us today. Make a wish event is still up. Tell us what you wish for X-Mas :)
  17. Why you should join us? 1. We have stable server unlike all others. 2. Our economy is better then all other servers. 3. Our host is prepayed for 6 months. 4. NO LAG. 5. Anti-Bot Protection ( FREE BOTS ) 6. Everything is working 100% images
  19. www.l2elite-pvp.com check website and features JOIN US
  20. www.l2elite-pvp.com check website and features JOIN US
  21. www.l2elite-pvp.com check website and features JOIN US
  22. www.l2elite-pvp.com check website and features JOIN US
  23. www.l2elite-pvp.com check website and features JOIN US
  24. www.l2elite-pvp.com check website and features JOIN US
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