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Everything posted by ^Moon^

  1. http://www.l2elite-pvp.com/ Download New patch updated today 17 Nov 2014
  2. Server reopen 20:30 GMT+2
  3. "Elite" is a general word used everywhere. I called server Lineage][Elite because of some personal reasons, i don't want to expose my reason here... Is just server name
  4. Didn't know...
  5. ok. thanks for reply
  6. Server will open today. I will post here all informations about patch and everything at 19:00
  7. We will put server on more russian websites and more votting websites like hopzone/topzone, maybe there will be 1k+ at least
  8. You can obtain them from Raid Boss All Raid Boss increased drop chances x2 more then retail Or you can simply donate -> Donations keep server alive more time and help paying advertise on more websites More advertise = More players
  9. 200+
  10. Server Online ---> Join us now 200+ online on start
  11. They got same chance like the normal scrolls. Nothing special...
  12. Server started successfully 183 players online. Our community gets slowly populated. Advertise event is still up untill 25 November 2014
  13. Open in 2 hours http://www.l2elite-pvp.com/
  14. Server is 30x interlude retail like Only increased drop/spoil chances Added off hand daggers(work like shield but don't give defence and don't decrease evazion) Added tattoos (with ballanced stats) Added custom drops (improve economy) Added mana potion Spectral Dancer learn new dance when reach lvl 80 Sword Muse learn new song when reach lvl 80
  15. Maybe not really 1k... 900 are ok ! :) Ok let's stop makeing fun about it. Server open today 15 November at 18:00 GMT+2 and i will post here how many players online at 20:00 GMT+2. Peace!
  16. 13 hour untill the grand opening
  17. Why you think server will not get 1k online?
  18. 14 hour left untill the grand opening. Join us 1000+ players awaits you on start
  19. You're a retarded !
  20. When you grow up and and puberty period ends and you still watching animes for kids, you are right, my mistake sorry !
  21. The only ---" ret*rd "--- i see now is you , kid. I will not expect more from a member with ''Naruto'' avatar. Naruto avatar says everythng about you and you lifestyle :) Btw, are you allowed to adress bad words to other forum members? I think not ...
  22. Me and ^Decripted-Brain^ work together for the same project, i can advertise my server in all his topics !
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