agree, i dont understand posts like this and threads, if u want to write somthind DO THIS! what u gain if u write 'i know but i dont want tell..' lame topic...
hello i have problem with my walker... i want to configure walker for using victous stance only when bot have MORE than 50% MP how to configure it? i was trying in IG options but nothing happend... can some1 help me?
u said "All posts which include "one-five" words are considered spams." so check this...
diego997 answers with n0nsens...
...i can find more, ban this spamer.
some time ago i play a lot fpp games especially Q]I[, HL or rpg like fallout, BG, Icewind dale now im playing "only" L2 :) but u know low rate take a lot of my time
yeap nice especially if u have 15 posts and se only "[Hidden post: You need 80 posts or become a Donator or Platinum Member to see it. You currently have 15.]
maybe friendly atmosphere? maybe on this srv are interesting pplrs?:) all of us know that dn are rly dirfferent than other servers but it must have some special if many people stay here