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Everything posted by Linwelin

  1. this will come in handy for me and my dedi :D many thanks
  2. if she is dead may she rest in peace!
  3. ur right about that, dont see much info about it at all and the site takes ages to load for me lol o.O
  4. i would rather bot or do something rather than sitting in a town trying to make adena unless u can 2 box :D
  5. or if u want people to be able to have certaine text types in there name u will need to edit ur configs, there is an option in them that lets u change what letters and or numbers people can use when making a new character.
  6. i have been trying to find this out also, as i wanted to change the guards armour and use the dynasty armour on the guards, if anyone knows how its done please reply to this thread!
  7. i get this Invalid Attachment specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator any ideas ?
  8. nice i like these types of files all in one place saves me looking all over for them thanks very much
  9. not bad but im just use to notepad now no need to download anything else :P but im sure it has its useess thanks for share
  10. there must be a special font people use coz the fonts im useing go all blury when i make them small
  11. does anyone have an auto updater i can use for my l2 emu server ? and a guide on how to use it, and if possable a way to customize the look of it please (done a search didnt find anything)
  12. i can do a simple image in photoshop but putting text on it like clan initials never seems to work out right, can anyone give me any tips ?
  13. use the search button theres loads of links on this forum, and on ragezone too!
  14. Just wondering if anyone knows of a different programme to iconlover for making clan + ally crests alot of my crests i make in photoshop but when i use them in game they dont look so good, im sure there is a decent programme out there for doing this, dont a search though didnt find much.
  15. i would stay away from the lastest version of nod32 it dramaticaly slows down internet browesing if your going to use nod32 get version 2.5 or something like that stay away from 3.0 +
  16. iv just installed this game myself cheats r always useful :D gimmie some plox!
  17. might not be ur admin panel, where are you running the server from ? bit more info wouldnt hurt :P
  18. personaly i think most of these tweaks are a waste of time, if your going to run a l2 server you mayaswell do it properly or dont do it at all running a server from a home pc is useless and lagy, i would stay away from these tweaks and get your self a dedicated server you can get one cheap enough to start you off with and go from there.
  19. last time i checked this was english section was it not o.O
  20. i doubt its that, as if he just changes his host file it works fine its only when he uses are patch he gets the crit but i use it fine and so do the rest of us realy weird
  21. im assuming your running it from ur own computer, so i would restart it and make sure nothing auto starts IE anti virus P2P then try and run
  22. this will come in handy for sure, i just hope someone is kind enough to re-uplod this for everyone.
  23. Hi guys i looked all over the forum for this answer and i googled it first, but cant find anything about it. Im trying to alter the sell option in the GMShop i looked around in the database and cant find anything on it can someone tell me what and where the file is ? please
  24. woaaa iv bin looking for something like this for ages!!! this is awesome thanks a mill man!
  25. i was in the beta for this game, and i have to say i didnt like it at all the gfx wasnt very good and the character movement was realy bad kinda hard to explaine that one, but if u play it u will know what i mean, but hell atleast its free to play cant argue with that.
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