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Everything posted by Linwelin

  1. im not sure how different off is from java but in java u can set how many buff slots people have in the gameserver/config folder just have a look through them and u will see it
  2. nice i needed some new wallpapers, the vista standard ones r over used now :P thank you
  3. does this buff have cancel in it ?as i need a buffer that can cancel too
  4. bit of a noob question but um, what exactly does this do ?
  5. yeah i came accross that one myself, and as you said i cant view it yet, i just thought someone might have a simple guide on how to do it for now, till i can view that guide. sorry i didnt want to make another topic for this so ill use this topic for this question i have a custom gatekeeper which in game looks like this //level 1-20 //level 20-40 //level 40-60 etc etc now im trying to make it display like this //level 1-20 1 2 3 4 //level 20-40 1 2 3 etc so people would have to click on the numbers to goto a certaine zone, now the problem is when i change the html file for this it turns out like this //level 1-20 1 2 3 4 //level 20-40 1 2 3 etc how can i get it to display how i want it ? this is the html code maybe someone can tell me where im going wrong. <html> <body> <center><font color="FFFF33">L2Dynasty Custom Gatekeeper</font><br> <img src="L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco" width=256 height=32> <font color="FFFF33"></font><br> <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto 3004"><font color="FF9933">//Level 1-20</font></a><a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto 3004"><font color="FF9933">1</font></a><a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto 3004"><font color="FF9933">2</font></a><a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto 3004"><font color="FF9933">3</font></a><a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto 3004"><font color="FF9933">4</font></a> <br> <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto 3005"><font color="FF9933">//Level 20-40</font></a><a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto 3004"><font color="FF9933">1</font></a><a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto 3004"><font color="FF9933">2</font></a><a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_goto 3004"><font color="FF9933">3</font></a> im not sure where im going wrong :S any help is appreciated thanks
  6. I agree with that, if the prices wasnt so high then im sure more people would buy the music rather than downloading. But downloading music is so much easier dont have to waste time going out to a shop you can download it from the convenience of your own home which is probably why most people do it, the only people it hurts though is the companies it doesnt realy effect the artists as the artists dont realy make much from the selling of cd's, they make most of the money from the tours. But i am all for downloading music for free, although in a way its not realy free is it ? because your still having to pay to download music from the internet, atleast those big media companies dont see any of the money though :p
  7. Hi guys, does anyone have a guide on how to make a GMShop i searched through this forum but didnt find anything done a quick google search and didnt find much either, i just need to know how to make a simple gmshop. Many thanks
  8. for me its gotta be LineageII been playing it since just before C1 cant get enough of it tbh, im hopeing a LineageIII will be made at some point, its got room for improvement, and i think they need to cater for the european market better as not many people like to grind and lineage is a GRIND game heh
  9. i have been following this game for some time, yes it does look like WoW but imo WoW just sucked it was far too easy and there wasnt alot to do once u reached lvl 60, now this game looks much better, i watched a recent dev video and it showed u a character taking things and placeing it on the armour (for orcs) which is a nice effect, i just hope the pvp side is good!
  10. thx i will have a look at this, hope its easy enough to do heh
  11. thx for the replys guys, although i think im gonna do this the long way as its less confuseing for me :P
  12. Hi, im trying to find out how to make a custom gatekeeper, i only want to use certaine areas in the game but im unsure of how to make a gatekeeper, im useing titancreations pack and it has a custom gatekeeper in it called Facilitator but i can only find the html for it, im guessing the sql is already in the data base if i could get that im sure it would be easy to change the spawn location, so does anyone know how to get the sql from the data base ?
  13. so if i delete spawnlist.sql no mobs will be ingame not even npc's ? and i will be able to spawn mobs fine, and they will stay there once i restart server ? sorry im bit of a noob :p
  14. Hi guys, this might seem like a noob question but here goes, i want to delete mobs from game and only add them in certaine zones, i know you can do this ingame by doing //delete but theres just too many mobs in game to do this is there a quicker way of doing this ? maybe by going into the database ? but how ? thanks
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