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Community Answers

  1. Why do you need a developer for lucera? They are not selling the source + if you want custom features you can order them.
  2. Dear community, we are introducing various events that are taking places on our server: #1 Say Hello! http://www.l2eclipse.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=7 #2 Beta tester http://www.l2eclipse.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=8 #3 Aden castle siege: 100-500$ Real money prize! http://www.l2eclipse.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=12 OBT STARTS 29. APRIL!
  3. Classic Zaken x15 coming in May! http://l2eclipse.com/

  4. You did not specify what exactly do you need, xml files, textures or what?
  5. 1)All exp scrolls and exp boosts are removed but exp on donait : s - currently only premium account contains exp boost but that can be changed as well, if you have ideas how to make premium more attractive if we remove the exp boost let me know :) 2) donait items(runes/misc) / more boxes - not sure I understand this one 3) making bd useless :s ( all dances on buffer) - dance of berserker is not in the buffer, but other than that, how would you make it more useful? 4) auto learn skills :s (for strategy reasons not good) - can you elaborate more on this, please? 5) Classic and high rate | dead before people reach lvl 79/80 - We spoke about this earlier, but do you mean because of the imbalanced acquisition of the gear and levels or is it something else? 6) On Zaken patch , Loa/TOI PvP Event was closed , closed here too? - Those events are closed on Antharas update, so no, they are still active. 7) Karma clearing got way harder , you fixed that ? - can you elaborate more on that, please? 8) The Daily raids in SV/GC from Zaken update will be boring after 1 week any pvp event or coustem raids planned? - Boring because of the drops or what? Anyway there will be custom events with raid bosses such as: [EVENT] Monster PVP [EVENT] Town War and some others, which I will explain later in detail.
  6. .
  7. As the title says, I am looking for a Portuguese speaker for some translation work.
  8. Although the designs are really amazing, I have to put a big -1 on the service in general. First of all on the website it says that the delivery for the website is 5-7 days - It took him 5 weeks to design 1 page. I am not sure if it was the language barrier or lack of motivation, but 5 weeks for 1 page is really too much. Also the original deal was to get the website coded as well, but at the end all I've got was 1 psd file without even html structure or anything else. Now I have to spend my time looking for coders and to waste even more money. BIG -1
  9. Interesting features, I wish you the best of luck :) Btw, do you intend to have any automated events? In your development services, you stated that you can code any type of event I am not seeing any on your features list.
  10. On the main page it says the grand opening is 04.11. and in this topic 11.11. so which one is it?
  11. Doubt they can change anything based on "believe me".
  12. Similar case here, he delivered the website but nowhere to be found to make adjustments
  13. Announcing 2 servers in the same month, you must know what you're doing :)
  14. You can have your doubts and I am not here to convince you, I am just writing about what experience i had with lucera and other platforms, and the difference is just tremendous. About the source, it depends what your goals are, if you want to do a lot of custom stuff, like Eola for example then yes, a source is a must have, but if you want very little to no custom with couple of events, then Lucera is the way.
  15. I dont know about other ru projects, but what you get with Lucera is the best offer there is on the market. They dont sell the source, but for the price of 120$ you get the whole pack with events and achievement system(which is in baby stage), support is 20$ per month and you can order custom stuff, which will be done in some time, depending on the complexity. Configs exist in English version as well. Bottom line is that the pack is trusted and stable, close as retail as you can get when it comes to java platform.
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