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Everything posted by AlemaNOB

  1. i have the same question, im looking inside this file but dont find how/where to edit (maybe is not possible with this file :/) if i find something, i post later
  2. is only my problem or the maps in the zone of rune are missing? (rune town, forest of the dead, etc) i download all maps i found for walker, and i dont see anything in that zone :/
  3. well, i get this error in frozen sometimes, i only try several times and then walker connect i only have this problem when i have experience problems with internet in a cyber, in my house i never have this error
  4. i search a lot in this forum, and all i can found, is that any kind of enchant bug doesn't exist :/ is about lucky, or a lot of money and time
  5. hi all, im from argentina, im learning english playing lineage and reading in forums like this, so, if i write something like an animal, correct me xD im not so new in the site, i register an account long time ago trying to find info about walker :P but now i have more interest in the forum because i see that i can help with the basic things that i learn likeclient mod, walker config, and other things :P and one more thing, this for mod or admin, i dont see any option to change my country, im from argentina, not from afganistan, i would like to see in my profile the correct country :S if somone can change it, ty ^^
  6. i try to get 200 to see that xD
  7. well seems a nice server, i go to try, but i like more the mid rates server :/ like 30-100 exp
  8. critical, really, you need to put more effort in your posts, you are a machine of copy-paste you have 244 post in this forum, +2 karma, and you dont know how to write basic english
  9. well, i dont have 200 post too, but i can easily go to google or ragezone and see all the stuff that critical is sharing...
  10. 1- this topic should be in client mod section 2- why hide this with 500 post :S even some exploits have less post to see -.- 3- why dont you make one thread with all similar stuff that you post? you are making a lot of post and people are starting to answer why you post in wrong section, the way you write in english, why you hide all with a lot of post, and why you dont say the credits? im from argentina too, i learn some english in school, but before i make a post, at least i try to read and see if other people, when they go to read, can understund something :S
  11. all mana script are the same, with more or less letters, more or less ms for wait, and different % to use the one i use is this LABEL(mpot) DELAY(200) CharStatus(MP,<=,10) { USEITEM(Mana Potion[iD=1805]) } JMP(mpot)
  12. maybe have an antibot system too, apart of dempax64 what server you play? if you tell us, maybe we can help you
  13. no, with a host like that walker doesnt work, you need a host with some ip for walker localhost vip.tt2xz.com vip1.tt2xz.com vip2.tt2xz.com vip3.tt2xz.com vip4.tt2xz.com vip5.tt2xz.com vip6.tt2xz.com vip7.tt2xz.com vip.towalker.com vip1.towalker.com vip2.towalker.com vip3.towalker.com vip4.towalker.com vip5.towalker.com vip6.towalker.com vip7.towalker.com L2authd.lineage2.com lineage2 im using this host for oog and ig
  14. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=17541.msg119274#msg119274
  15. with ingame you can see where are other players, go to map and you see about the hp and cp, for me in c4, only work to see the mobs and npc hp, not in players
  16. MDK i tell you before, stop the spam :P
  17. anyone playing here??? is a football game - on-line soccer manager with live flash animated matches. You can make your own tactics, have a youth school, trainers, and the devs work hard and listen suggestion SPANISH alguno juega? es un manager de futbol online y se pueden ver los partidos en flash, podes hacer tus propias tacticas, tener una escuela de juveniles, entrenadores, y los creadores del juego le dan bola a las sugerencias q se hacen en el foro para los argentinos q hay en el foro, metanse q en argentina somos pocos, entren y prueben ^^ se pueden ver los partidos y la comunidad es muy amigable, al menos en argentina :P www.sokker.org
  18. post things in other threads if you want increase your post count, but dont make spam you are reported
  19. nothing to say, this people never stop in brazil recently counter strike was prohibited... the reason? make players act with violence, pff
  20. xD nice exploit, i play like 4 hours to get zariche and try
  21. can you read? sltbnjr say that depmax patch exploits, if a exploit is fixed, cant be used, in other words, there is nothing to bypass
  22. can you explain better? if i logout inside the town and relog, i can hit people inside? because im playing some kamael servers, and i cant hit people inside towns, only npcs
  23. i play kotor 1, its a good game, but with lineage i have no time to other game xD
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