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Everything posted by AlemaNOB

  1. http://adlerbr.4shared.com/ almost every version of walker is there
  2. well, the zoom with the wheel is working :P see this post
  3. its not the point star, if i start something that i like, and then they change that, and that change its not something good FOR ME, why i keep playing there? if i dont find some other server, i leave lineage and start some other game, or do something else, its simple ^^ and yes, its a very good server, like HaCkz0r say
  4. inside the file you have a readme, but all that takhs7 said is correct
  5. nop, this is external, is the program, not ingame
  6. well... i can play lineage but for me, is not fun to see other players getting the same or better things that me with donations and all my clan leave the server too
  7. i think is world tradition :P
  8. but is hard to choose how to do it :P on topic, welcome hackzor
  9. i think he ask for something like cp and mana pot script in one, really i dont know, im not very good at scripts
  10. credits to Fyyre and postpacific instructions in the file No GG
  11. http://rapidshare.com/files/89881225/L2informer_1.7.2_kamael_beta.zip
  12. well, the staff put donation, many people leaving the server, including me
  13. nice share critical, but change the postcount to 25, notabastard give you a warning in other post :/
  14. +4 dex -4con, a lot of speed attack ^^
  15. script for manor system, seeds, crop, that things a system to get materials
  16. i never use win vista, i use xp sp2 to play games, and linux ubuntu to the rest :P
  17. donwload this file and put in system folder, you need a patched system Changes: - Keypad Period enables large zoom AND sets MMB to as described below note: must switch to chat mode for a moment - Turned off WASD / Arrows and some strange shit - Max zoom increased to 65535 - RMB: only camera movement (turnback removed) - MMB: changes view to current FixedDefaultCamera (previously RMB short click) - Wheel Up/Down: zooming speed increased to 64 - Page Up/Down: zooming at 640 speed Default view: distance: 640, pitch: -3072, yaw: 0 Up and down arrows cycle through FixedDefaultCamera with distances from 320 to 2360 (with 320 step). You can use MMB to recall to specified mode. Useful to adjust camera depending on your current environment - i.e. you will probably require different distances in dungeon and in wilderness C4/C5/Interlude/CT1: NumLock autorun moved to ScrollLock Additional changes, when the enter-to-chat mode is active: - Keypad Period turns off/on collision cylinders AND enables large zoom - Keypad plus / minus have precise zooming - Left / Right provides camera height adjustment - Pause changes rendering modes (standard, no dynamic, no textures, wireframe) note: l2.exe often crashes if you use improved shaders and wireframe mode - Left & Right Brackets adjust gamma levels - SemiColon & SingleQuote adjust contrast levels - Period & Slash adjust brightness levels - Backslash resets gamma, brightness and contrast to real neutrals FAQ: - inverse axis : adjust MouseY - switch / change buttons : adjust Left/Right/MiddleMouse - turn off gamma/brightness/contrast : search for aliases defined at the beginning, and comment them off Credits for DStuff
  18. if you want the unlimited zoom for CT1 donwload the edited user.ini from dstuff, but you have to press repag to see the zoom, not the wheel of the mouse
  19. not working on DN, always fail like MDK say and not work in frozen
  20. i love call of duty ^^ i hate cs :P really, i dont have fun playing cs :/
  21. is this the same walker of turksauron for frozen? i mean the method, is the same? i have the other, i ask just to know
  22. in some very very very bug servers, you cant use battle force on you xD
  23. translate from google: Ukraine could Barach stsylku listed on the tam guide =)), I think in Russian understand
  24. maybe you share a lot usefull things, i dont say nothing about that, but the way you post is not correct, and about talk in spanish, this is a english forum, so... other thing, i dont say you are stupid, that come from you ---------------- ponele pilas al ingles nomas, no te calentes, pero en serio, no se entiene una mierda lo q escribis, y no seas zarpado, al pedo pones el hide con tantos post, si son boludeces q se encuentran en postpacific o ragezone... ta bien q qieras subir post, pero esconder cosas q no sos cheats ni exploit???
  25. is not only for fix that bug, is for all bugs and exploit that exist
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