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About kiduu93

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  1. most of them are ru, i played here befor. not so many donators
  2. wow, great work. can't wait to see future updates.
  3. great job mate, really useful.
  4. I played here before, on almost all seasons. Is a great community with frendly people, admins make a great job, there's always balance between classes, always new maps, events, improvements from season to season. Keep up the good work, guys. can't wait to see new updates.
  5. thanks, great work :) maybe in future updates you will include option for fps, to remove all skill animations
  6. Great work, i had the last updates and works really fine. I love the option for increasing fps, disabling all animations. I already messaged u to give me the password, thanks in advance.
  7. any alarm for chapta on screen ? it's like a message on screen. like this: https://prnt.sc/k1c8kb
  8. why this script is not working anymore ? after l2 is opened he doesn't write account and password, only pressing TAB button.
  9. sv looks good. how many players do you expect to be on on grand opening ?
  10. i wait to see your project guys. i replied sincerly to all your questions. Good luck and i hope you will announce the sv soon.
  11. Hello, I get this error when i try to inject tower. Anyone know about how to fix this ? Ty
  12. ye, 90 players on..
  13. Know anyone what number is using this guy in multisell tab ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKdsuWdxu68 It's like 901*** Thanks
  14. yeeeeeeee
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