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leonardoll174 last won the day on February 18

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About leonardoll174

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    Rio grande do Sul
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  1. Without a doubt, it is the best in the area, quality work, fast delivery and fair price. I always buy from him, I recommend it
  2. Dude, please, the work was delivered in a dirty way. stop arguing and trying to defend yourself, you're the one in the wrong, shut up and finish the job and that's it.
  3. I also have the same problem, I have the source stopped because it doesn't respond to me. And I bought directly from him.
  4. Remembering that it is not an original source, but ripped and old
  5. L2JEternity - Low Mid High Rate server (The best pack ) L2JSunrise - PvP Server (U Will need buy balance system and fix some skills )
  6. ProjectEssence = Mobius PM i sell good price Source too.
  7. I have a question, are they bots or real people? Why doesn't it make sense to be real people, how do you get them to subscribe to my page for example? I once bought this social media service from someone else, I got 5,000 Likes on my facebook page 90% were bots
  8. Good luck with the project But I admit that I find the emphasis on "license" funny
  9. CheckSkillOnEnter = True Done
  10. My opinion about your rev is, it is the same thing at the time of the general L2JFrozen used, because there was nothing better accessible, there came aCis and PUM, 90% of the servers today use aCis. Your rev is not bad, it is good, it has some shit like your geoengine, and this last update you made, made the situation much worse. I have friends who have their review, Platinium they use good, you can open a server with it, nowadays you don't need much to open servers, even a clean L2JServer makes a server. About these servers that you pointed out, mainly L2Nemeziz, use very old versions of L2JSunrise, because there is no need to keep paying for updates, it already has what it needs to make a server more or less. My opinion, my High Five server is L2JSunrise 986 and I have no problems with it, if there is any fault, I will fix it, there is no reason to pay an annuity for it
  11. An acquaintance of mine has it and tested it, said it got worse than before
  12. I have to agree with you, for a long time I was prejudiced against L2JMobius, until one day I decided to test the free version, the codes are very well programmed, very well organized and everything, besides we still have a free version for to work. I don't understand why everyone focuses so much on L2JScripts, since mobius is much cheaper and much better coded, whoever has seen the core knows this, to work on top it is much more flexible. Whenever someone asks me which pack to use for a goddes or classic server I always suggest Mobius. H5 interlude etc. I even comment on others depending on the person's need, I never used these versions but they probably must be very good! Although I am not yet a premium JMobius user due to the high conversion rate for my country, I follow the project assiduously. To the topic leader I do not recommend using L2JScripts, use L2JMobius premium version, no doubt! They serve you, have support, fix problems and don't extort money from you.
  13. trustworthy seller I buy services from him a few months ago. Flawless and quality work is a shame that they lied to you. Better days will come
  14. If your domain does not have SSL certificate, this error will occur Thanks for the credits in the topic. I have several other new sites from them, including the new donate panel
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