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Ivan Pires

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About Ivan Pires

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    São Paulo
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    Dominate the world!

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  1. Pior que estrangeiro falando mal de brasileiro, é brasileiro falando mal de brasileiro. A moderator can lock this topic? Please. This topic is against the rules. Thanks.
  2. + LS_STACKABLE = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("BOGStackable", "False")); + BOG_STACKABLE = Boolean.parseBoolean(L2JFrozenSettings.getProperty("LSStackable", "False")); This is inverted. :P
  3. Already have it on antifeed oly. :) Here: http://pastebin.com/Fq93XjvH
  4. Exactly because this that you are still here. Member who contributes nothing to help the forum and do not have any values​​, like you, will never be wellcome in any respected forum in the world. You will always be what you have always been, a nobody, a nothing! Nothing more than that. And you're only still here because MXC allows this type of behavior, lamentable. Yes man, i know. But let's keep our education and show these people that of where we come, we have maturity and respect. Rotten fruit nobody must smash, rotten fruit falls alone. Do not waste your time and your patience with trifles. If you want to share files, share, but not need offend anyone. Hug.
  5. Interesting. Good job Elfo.
  6. Do not think it's right bring problems of outside the forum to inside the forum. Members of MXC not have an ounce of education. Always fights and more fights. Need a moderation team of more rigid. Here everyone says what want when want. Nobody is of nobody. Is one worse than the other. Please, some moderator make a clean on this topic. Thank you.
  7. I agree with you 100%. But unfortunately Brazilians participating in this forum are those who are not welcome in Brazilian forums, there are good and bad people in all countries. "Forum is not a war zone."
  8. If there is a moderator working, please close this topic, just have flood this topic, nothing useful to the community mxc.
  9. Tryskell, i really respect you and your work. The work you did in ACIS is magnificent. Congratulations I did not break any of their rules. My project was created on the ACIS 300, I do not charge for their work, so much that I leave it clear to all my clients that my design is based on ACIS project. I do not force anyone to buy, what I sell is my work and my time worked. Who says it does equal or better without pay, take the free ACIS source 300 on the internet and does. What I sell is the time when I worked on it, both to add the mods and to correct numerous quests, NPCs. items, and so on. See you.
  10. Good job. But this will flood your db if have many players. Use the advice of xdem. Good luck man. Have a nice day.
  11. You need to install java 7 32bits. Uninstall your java 8 first.
  12. Man, has assured that only the best projects happen these "leaks", no one would lose time to do it with a bad project. This means that your project is excellent. If I were to open a server for sure i buy from you, leaked pack is headache, very bugs. Relax, for you this is just free divulgation. ;)
  13. Antibot captcha is a option for solution, but i not recommend. The players hate this. :S
  14. I read the script and i understand now. If ReviveDelay = 0 disable the auto teleport and able "To Village". ^^ But thanks very much Ton! ;)
  15. Yes, i also prefer, is much better.. Does anyone know if it is normal not show "To village" when die? :huh:
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