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Everything posted by NevesOma



  2. Like accessory can be done too ( with anim changes for head ). Example animated accessories:
  3. It's possible without DLLs too. I've started some tests a long time ago too: https://gyazo.com/7864b1f50454d39a8345564d43929faf
  4. UNIQUE, NEW, FRESH client mods: check my profile for news

  5. Hello, please tell me what problem are you facing? Are you talking about standard file encoding?


  7.  NEW: Shadow WEAPONS


  8.  NEW: Shadow WEAPONSф


  9.  NEW: Draconic armor, Imperial armor, Crystal armor


  10. NEW: Shadow WEAPONS


  11. NEW: Draconic armor, Imperial armor, Crystal armor


  12. https://discord.gg/l2mod

    The best Client Dev community, join now!

  13.   [FREE]  with EFFECT ORC LION RIDER by NevesOma 🎁  

    Unique style, nice effects, for free. Wait animation only.
    Chronicles: Interlude, High Five




    Join to Client Dev community: https://discord.gg/MMcWk5p

  14. Moved to previews.
  15.  UNIQUE NPCs Pack V3: check now!


    Valakas High + weapon with effects
    Antharas High + weapon with effects
    Lindvior High + weapon with effeccts

    Implementing as a monster or Boss: Yes


    Client Dev community: https://discord.gg/MMcWk5p

  16. @HellExile please edit the topic with normal (default) text color. ty.
  17. Locked. The answer has been given.
  18. Better way to do one by one, about colors on +16 and etc you need to edit color in env.int file.
  19. Checked your files, yes indeed, files are crypted with SmartCrypt so you can't use or decompile them crypted.
  20. How do you know files are encrypted? Are you decoding from normal encoding?
  21. Hello, you can do the same. Find a weapon with an effect, take the values for the effect from there as you did with the bow and add it to the new weapon.
  22. Client mod stuff: Unique shares, private mods, special modifications, new, unique: Check my profile

  23. Moved to live servers. Good luck!
  24.  [FREE]  with EFFECT ORC LION RIDER by NevesOma 🎁  

    Unique style, nice effects, for free. Wait animation only.
    Chronicles: Interlude, High Five




    Join to Client Dev community: https://discord.gg/MMcWk5p

  25. NPC with Effect Orc Lion Rider by NevesOma ❤ Unique style, nice effects, for free. Wait animation only. Chronicles: Interlude, High Five Join to Client Dev community: https://discord.gg/MMcWk5p Questions or suggestions: Skype: Support_La2-Pro ( click to add ) Discord: NevesOma#3182 Download: https://cutt.ly/aGOj4bV
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