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Everything posted by Wildbasin

  1. if one spams as you do on spanish section of DN.. perhaps they would like to see you here ..
  2. Works on DN .. get a bit of shit due to GM modifications.. but works.. dino, mos, PT..:) nice
  3. Always useful.. some scripts are so clumpsy
  4. blue ray owned HD DVD.. so easy
  5. well i use 1.56 and with old dll file i get no "verify" info and walker does not make my chars move or buff. With the new here to donwload neither. Any ideas that could help me?
  6. DN is full of these bots right now, they make awesome exp on catas/IT/FoG. Luckily some of them have no idea how to set a walker and got some nice drops when mobs kill them after killing the healers/buffers; 2 AQ and a baium. But your method is more clever.
  7. works also against a nightmare heavy user (with shield) as he has reflect damage??
  8. Dunno if you're spoking of DN.. on retail the recipes 100% doesn't exist.. that recipes were changed to 100% after drake implemented the spoil of the 60% on FoG...but on retail they are 60%.. Varkas an Ketra are also 60% (even on DN)...
  9. yes.. it can e more than 31 heroes.. make a fortune seeker/warsmith as example (and a good one.. as maestro has the same 3rd level skills that FS minus spoil crush) you fight and win/lost as FS and the last day minutes before the period end.. go to sir eric rodenai in aden and turn to WS/fs... The game accounts you points on the class you are now.. WS.. but as WS is second class, you have not to worry about the points of the 3rd classed dwarft.. HERO!!! DN has a few ghost heroes like these.. they are smart enought not to use hero chat or chow themselves.. but they have the poits for being hero worth 25 books.. luckily that makes prices drop.. and as hero skills are disable due to a lot of corruption and umbalance.. is the only benefit
  10. you are talking of the perfect bot for a mage party :) but that is good on C2, C3, C4 and go on.. this seems a post about new combos on interlude.. As far as i know say goodbye to mutants uber power.. no more 6000 m. attack on the XX/ol.. and the XX/ty with no claws are gonna cry.. sure new combos will include DE/pa.. HE/wc and for sure mage/oL... not the EE-ES/ol combos so seen. Also i've heard drake is gonna cripple RB jewels benefits as 99.9999999% of the valakas and antaras were got tricking the poor beasts..
  11. try to use the soes scroll trick on DN and you will have abanned char for 14 days if the GM is arround. and he likes to check olimpiads.. as far as we know he does anything else..
  12. Any solution how to enter there?? dunno if anyone knows what protection willit have and how to circunvent it.. Just need to ask
  13. same here.. i used some of these files and no result.. prolly they are for older versions of the game :/
  14. bah.. use punch of doom against the NPC od the town were you're waiting and go on.. not so difficult..that is how is do it..
  15. lol.. on 4s the raid boss wont appear is you haven't open at least 1st door.. you must use the trick after cleaning at least the first room..
  16. checked.. it crashes indeed.. and its "normal progem termination".. so it closes itself.. also i checked.. no other program called. cute.. and very low memory hunger
  17. on some servers.. soe clan hall or soe castle (only if you clan owns one) works just fine.. some GM are quite clumpsy
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