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Everything posted by melron

  1. Hello there, Im trying to find a way to change the skill description for example when a character have 1kkk adenas.. example: adena < 1kkk adena >= 1kkk I have to create one more skill like hydro in skillname-e with the new description? if yes how can i switch the link to appear the new skill? ive searched in enchantskill file how the icon is replacing but i didnt get what i need because this is for changing the whole icon (+1 etc)... Edit: if i have to do the same as any enchanted skill with the new description i have to change enchant_skills_tree and plus one more enchant for all those skills? Any suggestion?
  2. You just have to set the quest in every new char in characters_quest table.. p.s i didnt test this but i think this is the right way to do this since it loads from tables ...
  3. what pack you have? find the function that inserting data in characters table when new char created and after that connection add one more that inserting the specific quest to character
  4. You just have to remove player.stopAllEffectsExceptThoseThatLastThroughDeath(); In your sets p.s Sweets you didnt answer to Access yet... :D
  5. For removing buffs simply find : else if (currentCommand.startsWith("fighterSet")) { ........ -player.stopAllEffectsExceptThoseThatLastThroughDeath(); .......... } else if (currentCommand.startsWith("mageSet")) { ..... -player.stopAllEffectsExceptThoseThatLastThroughDeath(); ... } About critical what to say :/ its working fine for me i havent any issue since i didnt edit this part.. Edit: For your cleanup bypass: fix to this final L2Summon summon = player.getPet(); if (summon != null) { buff.getEffects(this, summon); summon.broadcastPacket(new MagicSkillUse(this, summon, 1056, 1, 5, 0)); summon.stopAllEffectsExceptThoseThatLastThroughDeath(); }
  6. Im not judge only you, but all of you here in this forum... As i said the thing that u are better in some cases of L2 L3 or i dont fucking know it doesnt give you any point get it? It is a help section and the phrase "im better" here , in mxc comes like , Dont speak! i am better than you. Am i wrong? Look arround you the people who know better how to code or something they are talking like Bosses and let the minions creating new topics with their problem And you? So next time before you comment about me take a step back throw your self against a window and write a comment, cause im in top 20 people who help everyone in this community I already told you that i aggree with the thing that he didnt paste some info about his problem .... Lets end this since its offtopic...
  7. relax access, I agree with your post ... he should post his problem code/screen or smt but i disaggree with the way u talk... You know him personal? The thing that your knowledge is bigger than him (and than mine) is not giving you the precedence to talk like this... Just tell him how he should post his problem to get the correct answer ... Its like you get new job as barwoman and the owners insult you because you dont know a drink.. its funny, isnt? Kisses :-* :-* :-*
  8. Whats wrong with you Access? Why are u so aggressive? The guy just asked help for some things that he dont know.. if this is not the right section then which is? Its simple, You know the answer and you want help? do it... no? go back then or idk... but for sure dont blame and dont judge the things that u didnt understand well... Cmon now... You can just say what you want with the right way not like this... I would rape you both but i'm good so i won't. wtf?? p.s wanna find some topics arround there in help section from people who ask video/tutorials how they can build l2 server and people helped him?
  9. Eng section :P Put values from 1 to max . Starting with higher value will return npe If you take a look in default frozen's enchant.properties ull see the values begining from 1 to .. enchant.properties
  10. look what sweets said... for (L2Skill skill : player.getSkills().values())
  11. Another error? show us then
  12. np :)
  13. Go to scripts/custom/2004_ClanManager folder and open __init__.py PriceIDClanLevel7= 6393 PriceCountClanLevel7= 15 PriceIDClanLevel8= 6393 PriceCountClanLevel8= 25 ReputationScoreCount1= 25000 PriceIDReputationScore1= 6393 PriceCountReputationScore1= 10 ReputationScoreCount2= 50000 PriceIDReputationScore2= 6393 PriceCountReputationScore2= 15
  14. what pack are you using? paste your _diary requestBypass
  15. You want to delete mobs or just their spawn? Also, what version of eclipse you are using? try this -for (NpcTemplate raid : NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplates(t -> t.isType("L2RaidBoss"))) - { - for (L2Spawn spawn : SpawnTable.getInstance().getSpawnTable()) - { - if (spawn.getNpcId() == raid.getNpcId()) - { - RADARS.put(raid.getNpcId(), new Location(spawn.getLocx(), spawn.getLocy(), spawn.getLocz())); - break; - } - } - } + for (L2Spawn spawn : SpawnTable.getInstance().getSpawnTable()) + { + if (spawn.getTemplate().isType("L2RaidBoss")) + RADARS.put(spawn.getNpcId(), new Location(spawn.getLocx(), spawn.getLocy(), spawn.getLocz())); + }
  16. 1st.show us your error 2nd. Open console in ur database and paste -> truncate table spawnlist; (or whatever you are using for spawns)
  17. https://gyazo.com/6b8453dad0905adf04c4f95d88aa3c56 this to check the current version
  18. try to reinstall jdk and set system variable JAVA_HOME on ur jdk Add JAVA_HOME variable to your PATH system variable generally this problem happens when multiple versions of jdk have been installed or removed or reinstalld, start registry and fix manualy the software/javasoft/java runtime environment key ..
  19. χαχαχαχα ++
  20. i just compiled with your instance and i didnt get any error...
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