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Everything posted by melron

  1. Hello guys, [iL client] Is that possible in a combobox to add space ? example: Edit: when u want petition the combobox have normaly spaces.. <combobox width=250 var=test list=first;second;third;> is : now if i want to add items like : "First one" for example... the code: <combobox width=250 var=test list=First one;Second one;Third one;> is : I dont think im doing something wrong... Things i tried: html replace from First to "First one" , same results. Instead of space adding as replace but since it have ";" it stop there, reading new item..
  2. if you are working on acis you can check how admin gm shop works.. try { final int val = Integer.parseInt(command.substring(10)); final NpcBuyList list = BuyListTable.getInstance().getBuyList(val); if (list == null) activeChar.sendMessage("Invalid buylist id."); else activeChar.sendPacket(new BuyList(list, activeChar.getAdena(), 0)); } catch (Exception e) { activeChar.sendMessage("Invalid buylist id."); }
  3. If you check how it rly works ull find your answer :D All vars are strings... Next step is to make them integer with checks.. take a look in the example u said.. private static int getCoinId(String name) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("adena")) return 57; if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("ancientadena")) return 5575; if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("festivaladena")) return 6673; return 0; }
  4. this is because the bypass is string... so it reads "bypass -h _bbsservice;Name,$newName" cant convert from $newName to the given name... if for example ur button bypass will be as : bypass -h admin_setname $newName will be fine... i think u can understand what i mean... $newName must be as argument and not as $newName (string) Edit: try to change String _name = command.substring(11); to (17)
  5. Fixed. Thanks brut .. was cool time prob!
  6. Alright... as 364 loads all configs in 1 function go to : go to configs public static final void loadGameServer() and load your custom file there... take an example from other like loadNpcs();
  7. If you will post ur correct RaidBossInfoManager here we will check this... 3rd error saying error in 85 line.... but u gave as a code with 70 lines... 1st error (59 line) } 2nd error (44 line) } 3rd error (85 line) 4th error (38 line) rs = statement.executeQuery();
  8. No you didnt... go to network.clientpackets.RequestBypassToServer.java Not at your vc onBypassFeedBack.. Make another bypass else if (_command.startsWith("your_bypass")) { ... } Here you have to insert the whole code that is in getVoteHtml OR create a function with the same name at the end of the RequestBypassToServer getVoteHtml(L2PcInstance player) and call it again in your new bypass...
  9. Create your bypass in RequestBypassToServer . example: else if (_command.startsWith("your_bypass")) { ... } then inside write your code to open the html again then the button must be like this <a action="bypass -h your_bypass">Your text</a>
  10. put logs in every case after the cameras so you can see where exactly the error is...
  11. Any error in your console?
  12. i said exactly the same thing.... it tries to redelete it and it gives npe...
  13. Im not expert but, this code i think its rly bad since you are using Thread.sleep and after this u trying to delete the npc (maybe its already dead) which means you ull get NPE... put Try in unspawn case to catch any errors if this is the problem...
  14. Thank you , im thinking the door cases ;P Solution N2 ;)... -Anyway ... someone lock it i got my answer!
  15. I was the 'little' one ... wtf now ? Anyway thank you for ur cords its cool place for your private moments :D Edit: Still waiting this sleepy "+1" :D
  16. Hello guys, Can you reccomend me some places (like rooms) that can only a gm can go there? I want to use some tests and trying to find a place where a player cant go there. Thank you! :D (not jail,oly)
  17. yy i edited this one thanks :p
  18. u can take versus example or even better change and test your values.. lol :p
  19. okey got it :p
  20. u can just decrease all these values /2 but this is not the best solution... better try to rebalance your custom items ....
  21. <table name="#swordbluntpole"> 1 1.5 2 </table> <table name="#twohand"> 1.5 2 3 </table> <table name="#all"> 1.15 1.20 1.25 </table> <mul order="0x30" stat="pAtk" val="#all" /> <mul order="0x30" stat="pAtk" val="#swordbluntpole"> <mul order="0x30" stat="pAtk" val="#twohand"> Change the values of the table you want (depends the weapon) , each table have 3 values cause of frenzy got 3 levels Do u get it ? ;) By itself it increase 25% dmg for any weapon type (table #all , 3rd value , 1.25) then the bonuses <table name="#twohand"> 1.5 2 3 </table> When two handed used ( level 1 frenzy, 50% p.atk. level 2 frenzy, 100% p.atk and level 3 frenzy, 200% p.atk (this 3 is 200%)
  22. decrease frenzy power... ? :D
  23. Hehe thanks baby :D
  24. take examples from existing items... like IC helm etc...
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