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  1. In-till you come across with a proper glad / tyrant. You're talking like dagg cannot be countered.. It's all about skill don't forget that.
  2. Please. This place ain't worth jacks squat. "Donate or die"; thats L2Evo quote.
  3. All I've said is according to official L2 Interlude client. You must have played quite a lot custom developed games lately or in general not to be familiar with it. The whole point of the buffs is in the 24 buff slots. So you buff differently for every situation you happen to get across with. It's all about skill. So I disagree with you on the removing buffs from game part. But honestly you can't expect 24 slots on java servers. Maybe your setup is better suited, I don't know.. Neither am I playing here but I still value others work even tho I happen to find the whole custom part far off.
  4. I'm quite surprised too see this coming from you. But I can't really blame, because not a day passes by when I don't learn something new about Lineage. Back to the topic; The facts are simple. With aqua guard, elemental protection and resist water buffs everybody are insanely protected against your Hydro Blast. No wonder you hit 200 damage. I guess around 400 on +0 TTS set is more appropriate. So what happens when you use water surrender is that it automatically removes your resist water buff + applies the debuff. Now add ice vortex debuff and viola, you happen to hit way above 1k with your attack. That just the way Lineage works.
  5. Not to use lvl 76 skills can mean 2 things. Playing C3 or just being a braindead folk.
  6. Good point.
  7. You should have known that I never speak without being sure. I was on your server on the GO, one of the first people that joined, my nick was D3da. I stayed for 2 hours and when I noticed x2 online and 20 people on, I left. You obviously failed the advertising part. Worst thing is that you never bother talking with the players you had, people reaching out for a GM and you ignored them. Dead end friend.
  8. First learn how to be a proper GM then try running a server. Just a suggesting tho :-beep- yeah:
  9. Why the hell do you write things like "I see you trust to any1 who said : we were working on server for a few month" ? Obviously you care enough to emphasize what and who I trust. As being an grown up I will end this south debate. Greets
  10. Trying to show admin mistakes? With what, pointing out how this is the same server as Esthus? And imply that it has the same core bugs? Who are you fooling here.. You're seeing things wrong and you don't know first thing about me. Stop this bull shit.
  11. I'm just being a normal person with a normal attitude. If your mind is telling you I lick ass with being normal and kind, than so be it. I never argued peoples stupidity, because it has no limit. You as an example. Simple.
  12. I'm supporting a solid guy. Nothing more nothing less. And if you think your "dont lick Devlin's ass" reached my feeling I've got to disappoint because it didn't. If I'd pay attention to every person with mental disorder I'd gone crazy years ago. No one said Esthus was perfect, but then again you're the last person on this planet to criticize something you've got absolute no clue about. First try your skills in managing a server, then spit over other work. Now stop this and discus about Quintus or don't talk at all.
  13. This place is turning to some dark emo hating kids club.
  14. Devlin is no joke when it comes to L2J developing. He proved to have skills as well as will to help others. You can't expect more from an Admin. Recommended. I wish that you will gather enough people for a successful run! Edit : Why do I always see you provoke? People are just people, everyone makes mistakes. But what gives you the right to criticize.. You never tried to open a server and you don't even have a clue on how much things can go wrong on opening day.. Know your place and don't be quick to judge. Because I know you're an alright fella and this negative thoughts doesn't really help anyone.
  15. I wouldn't miss it. ;)
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