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Everything posted by kicoxada

  1. dude... download l2jfree and add theeses it what u want to. have a lot souces on net. come on you are able to do it.
  2. .... no coments.... dude u did seted your host file ? or tried emulated gg on your pc ?
  3. download on l2jfree.com. No custom, no special.
  4. i had it, but anymore, btw i had on l2jc4 :)
  5. erm, forum need some meney to keep yours nices jobs.
  6. WoW i never played on server x2000 :D i will test it. Lets see what your server have than another have not.
  7. pfff always have a guy wants "fuck" ours pcs....
  8. .... have a engine called.... "Search" , so u can find whole forum. And if your server have no GG, so u can use hack packets.
  9. so, if u disable GG u can use programns like l2walker.
  10. Hm sorry , I started play on server c5 and i would know how is the version to c5 client?
  11. Hm, maybe gameguard. or try find your current nwindow.dll and try run l2hpx :)
  12. Oo how u did change modded.dll?
  13. Huh?? i dont understood ><
  14. hm, i dont know if it worked to me, i did it: i have a server where the icon on task bar dont apear, and i have a server where it apear, so i copy nwindow.dll and does not appear anymore. btw my client is c5. I will try find a l2walker to c5 and try it :) edit: erm , does work, dont login =/ just loging in solo l2j.
  15. the most servers hlapex does not work, more better is hackpackets.
  16. lets see if it really work on c5 l2j :)
  17. Not all!
  19. dude is game guard, you must need search on forum something like"gg emulator" :) Be happy
  20. sometimes when u are buffing or drink healing pots it happens. is about skill mastery , str to fighter, int to mages
  21. i preffer dont visit.
  22. dude descryp ur l2.ini and set "enablesecondwindow=true / useframwindow=true(i think is it)"
  23. i think there no this.
  24. Oo, well i did not saw /nextarget on short bar, i dont know how he did that.
  25. Hm with 80 posts? i think no.
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