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Everything posted by kicoxada

  1. I dont know, u mean communit board ? Alb + b?
  2. yeah, he just formated the text...
  3. Theeses maps are in www.lineage2.com.
  4. Well, i think the forum have proud of you ^^ Nice posts
  5. Dude, no words... now, post with pictures too :D just kidding ^^
  6. Good Job, but when are enchanting skill show your sucess :D
  7. Very cool, but should be better se all drops :D
  8. I did knew about lineage2.exe and l2.exe, but thx for those ones dont know... erm weak english :D
  9. i ever heard about auto enchant, but i Heard about prograns to enchant... differents names, hum, let me see, l2wind, hlapex with qmacro(faster enchant, but it broke). the way is... keep serching
  10. well, in some "patch" serves, have 2 prograns, 1 l2.exe(l2walker open it, but appear error about size) and lineage2.exe(original) i just change name lineage2.exe to l2.exe Am i wrong ?
  11. sorry, I am a noob over here, its work with l2walker 1.47 IG ?
  12. work to me in l2j, but l2off not, nvm good job
  13. not will work, maybe work on servers l2j but i stop played on theeses servers
  14. Lets see... i hope dont be banned >.<
  15. Can you guys send to private? pleese, i cant see yet
  16. Explain again i dont got yet, i read again and i cant undestand
  17. I know a exploit... use switch , see, easy...
  18. doesnt work on my server i play
  19. Trojans and more Trojans... come on guys, make a program with out trojan or spyware plis
  20. Nice, but in some server (l2j or off) have theeses files!
  21. Guys, we can open a NEW windown setting ini files, dual box is something Enablesecondwindow, and need set too frame "something) cya
  22. about bidding cubic i knew since c3 servers... :-)
  23. a day i saw it with Cursed summon, it has petrificad and rb does not attack anyone =)
  24. Dont work... =| or i am doing something wrong ? need i buy arrows ?
  25. Hypper can u traslate to portuguese, i do not got it =| I need make a macro with /mount and another line with my weapon ?
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