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Everything posted by kicoxada

  1. Adrenaline working there. You just need to get an updated a.dll file. You're welcome.
  2. This one doesnt work anymore
  3. Farming mainly, lvling
  4. Hello, Any bot working there? Free or Paid ?
  5. erm, you did not tried very well.... c4off work very well, the problem is: if someone make a sreen shot and send to gm's.
  6. Dude , speak in english... i am so lazy to go on google and traslate it.
  7. Hm what do you want know? only you need set l2.ini and have fun.
  8. Cool, i was playing on l2max, but that server got bored, you guys can hope a full alliance joining on nanaki xD
  9. Hm ds +14, cd +9 and dual sls +8 on l2max, after i got banned ><
  10. maybe is because GG, when you run l2.exe, it show on l2hpx but when nprotect runs, it disapear. (sorry for my bad english)
  11. lol :D hm, i am wondering if u can disable protection of supremel2. if not, no change to l2walker work.
  12. Use "search" dude :) Be happy.
  13. really ? Oo i will play x15 will open in september :)
  14. A question, i tried on rune its work, but its work in another places ??
  15. hm mates, i dowloaded l2utils and i run it no problem, but i wanted know if there a site with collor codes. sorry if oi did not found another toppic abouit it. edit: ersh nvm i found.. how i can delete toppic ?
  16. and you are stupid retard. You acts like a child with 7 old years....
  17. Use search butoon, you will find it.
  18. ershhhhhhhh i mean.... l2walker IG!!
  19. dude, stop make toppic with questions..... you does not help forum doing it!
  20. I cant understand but its sound does not work.
  21. a trick very weird. :D
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