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Everything posted by HUNpusi2

  1. Hi! I am looking for a srcipt, what is crystallize thos items what i buy from npc. I tried to make one: var ObjectID:integer; begin if (pck[1]=#$1B) and FromServer then begin ObjectID:=ReadD(44); buf:=#$72; WriteD(ObjectID); WriteD(1); SendToServer; Exit; end; end. But phx always die with error :S I hope anyone can help me. :)
  2. good but already posted many times. another: im searching this forum about a php code, that can tell me online players by an ip:port. there was a webpage (l2.evermore.ru or i dont remember correctly) what could do this. Can anyone help me about this?
  3. my opinion: tyrant. with fist fury, bishon totem, you can set the walker very easy.
  4. sry for bump this topic, but i didnt find a correct method. i can login by oog on nm. but only one char. another char gave me nothing. another acc's char1 give me packet error, char2 give me idiot error. so any working method for nm? (at first dragonx15 worked for me ) so what im making: 1 acc, char1 error: not joined in any clan - timeout char 2. works 2. acc, char1 error: clan... char2. packet error char3 visible hp/mp/name, freezed, "Only the clanleader is enabled" so its very interesting...
  5. is lineage2 dying? i dont think so. i was addicted to this game 4 years. and a 1 year period with non-stop gaming. (morning, gaming, sleeping -- at vacation) i dont want play a game until i dy. and i know i loved this game. i could enjoy it w/o kill monsters. i think this game isnt dead. just somebody played enough. they are bored by this game _____________________________________________________________________________ sry for my english
  6. maybe his name starts with [GM] ? or your server very beginner. search about wh enchant with phx, or phx codes.
  7. plix i need a cheat to be gm in offical. and i want to be gm in the real world. PLXPLXPLX one thing: search button. second thing: you ask an impossible thing.
  8. or you deleted "l2.exe" word in phx, or you have bad port address.
  9. ooo nice, ooo i dont see text, guys first post was made in 2008, september. i rly dont understand how could you get adena from kill a summon, (i get only karma) but DONT SPAM OLD TOPICS
  10. i played dn for 4 years. i started in c3 with c4 skills. this was my first server. i loved it, i get to know what is l2, i start with gl. then it went to c4 off. this was the greatest time for dn. i was bigger and bigger, i rly loved it, i played olympiad (with sucked cancel :D), but i loved it :) then il came. without augmented skills. but many donations. well these wasnt problem at that time. i killed many dn dinasty players with my gl/pp in ic and +4 s dual. and augmented skills has came. donators get to more active, as you remember 100% mcrt, olympiad dead (i got donator, or i got "one shot died" player). all player wanted to get refresh augment, high grd ls from donations only. i made dinasty about half year ago. but. server is dead, imho. and it would be hb... in hb this will be full bugged. new places will not work. new class will be bugged. dn will be dead. it should be. i moved to l2frintezza. it looks like good server. old dn with normal interlude. my 6. day on there, im lvl 65 necro (15x) and if i can sells all my mats, i ll got a dc robe set :) and yea about dc robe set. on dn. in c4 i got more then 2kkk from manor, in one day. so a grd isnt inpossible......
  11. on old ownage, when i try to catch zariche on dino islad: ol/des/pal/th (th with silent move) and there was a npc buffer. but the best if you need only power: ol/des/pal/ ty or wl or gl probably with meteor shower+rsk haste.
  12. well, i dont trust in "vote" sites. coz there are many "vote bot". on l2hopzone i was on the first server a long time ago, and there were about 300 players... so... but you can check how many players current on the server: http://evermore.ru/who/
  13. 7x il clients, 6 in fog (train :)) 1 in city. it was very slow :D
  14. ncsoft was idiot i think. this could be the l3. but they fired them. tera (patrick :D) will be a good game, imho. i ll wait for private servers :D but depend on the game's price
  15. hi all, an interesting thing was happened with me. on dragon network, i used l2phx, and dualbox, a long time ago. but phx got error, and l2.exe was closed. when i moved back with the first char, i saw message : You are already logged in, or whatever else i moved back ingame, and i saw my second char :O i wondering how does it happen? i wasnt fast in relog after error, for netping should warn im offline. i dont know how was it happened? any opinion? it can be very usefull :) you could sell with 10 char with off computer :)
  16. learn russian :D:D:D:D well, my think, frist speak with a normal npc, watch that packet in phx, after that move to custom npc, watch that packet, and in these 2 packets probably you will find the custom npc's id. newest phx has russian item id, npc id.ini files, so change it with later phx's ini-s
  17. guys: http://l2phx.pp.ru/arhive/ with english version, you should change the *.ini s coz in english version that is russian.change it with and a question: does anyone know how could i change in phx, in "sending" part ,that, if i copy a code, it should write it as to server? exp. i want to flood a say2 packet, i catched it, i post it to sending window, and there, it write this is setdismiss package. so it look as server package. in client 38 - say2 in server 38 - setdismisspledge that is my problem, if anyone understood it :D
  18. about rb tricks. - bumpalump, - daimon the whited eye - varka altar - ketra altar another way with exploit. go to 4 sep, go inside to room 1 with strider. collect key, go to another first room, collect again key,... but at once, go to baron room, and spawn halisha. if you killed spawn him again. you can spawn it until you have key. i got a bug, when i spawned halisa 3. times, it was alone, and it didnt hit back. so i could kill him very easly:) another trick on low rate, fighter lvl 20 char in top d grade, pp fullbuff, and the low char can kill the rb in talking, in elven lair... -i dont remember :)-
  19. at second maps link (that from c1 to ct2..) rapid said this: This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector's Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times. This limit is reached. To download this file, the uploader either needs to transfer this file into his/her Collector's Account, or upload the file again. The file can later be moved to a Collector's Account. The uploader just needs to click the delete link of the file to get further information.
  20. well, for me walker is working. but i cant do nothing. it dont want move, or fight. but i see my potions, mobs on map...
  21. bruhahahahahahahahahahahaha. as i said first "newbie" post. well i have il experience, but you are wrong. you have to put your crops to a castle. after this you can push ok. without this, you ll send nothing. if autoclicker is the same like actool, then you failed again. coz you have to click min 3 times if you want send crop, with autoclick. and as i post, i send several kind of crops. p.s.: read that mutafcking thread - after think pliz - before you mutafcking post pss: to admins. ban this idiot, with 16 posts, he saw my topic.
  22. hi all. first. i used this "hack" since dragon was c3 with c4 skills. it works ALL servers. (tested on dragon-network bake ice server, some another server) ill not explain step by step. if anyone want to understand, read a lot of topics here. theory: flood manor send packet. start phx at 20:00, send your crops in manor, catch this packet in phx, send it with low milisec. ps: l2phx is a sniffer. so this will not be dead. pss: as i said it is works on dragon-network. my best on one night was: 1k rmp ( :D), 1k vop, 1.3k s cokes, 60k bone, 4k cbp, 30k m ore, 1300 enria. on one day. ofc i didnt have more seed ;) psss: This is STILL works. i tested. i dont know it works on l2j or newer than il. (im 99% this works there too) pssss: Dont tell me this is not work or im idiot. ill not explain this for newbies, coz this is a very good "legal" hack. and you ll not be in jail.
  23. these arent different, only put the itemname.dat in you system folder, and you will se which is box which is chest
  24. true. but i prefer manor. coz dn has a new manor system it has 1x crops from mobs. so i prefer it if you are alone. craft/spoil can be good too rb is only for good clans. (valakas, anti, bai. low rbs arent drops good things. and you need to be lucky.) aa is the most depend on servers. buy and sells, if you are good in that. long time ago, i killed many mobs, i farmed always for good stuffs, my brother did that with buy and sell. and finally he got better armor/weapon than me. with buy and sells. nowadays he plays online poker, last time he won 300 euro on a tournament. ofc real money :)
  25. on dn/nm when i wanted to be hero, i was hero. after that i got bored about spam hero chat, all other player who were fcking ugly, after pkm too, etc. but i was hero once with 8 points :D
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