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Everything posted by Versus

  1. Exoume katantisei ta pio apla pramata na pernoun +1 karma, dld ena guide p na e3igei ta PANTA ti 8a t dwsoume? Apopsi m an k dn eimai pleon sto staff t mxc, oti pate apo to kako sto xeirotero oi donators. An einai dinaton pia
  2. In 2 minutes i'll send you a repack version of it, my upload =)
  3. Vista are the worse Windows ever created. Why are you using them anyway? I think the last version of VB is compatible with Windows 7. Dunno about vista.
  4. And i would do it again, cause weapons are weapons and armors are armors. But your systems are totally unique. There are 2 chances: 1) Your server will rock you'll get a bunch of people. 2) Your server will fail. My opinion is that you are risking too much making such a unique system. Let's hope it will be the 1st.
  5. So you want an offline shooting game. Well, hitman is one of it's kind, similar to Hitman is Velvet Assassin but they can't be compared, hitman is way better =) You can try The Saboteur, it sure has a nice story, killing nazis is always nice.
  6. I'm sorry to say it but i don't like the idea of the lives. I mean this isn't L2, so many customs may ruin the game. Anyway good luck with your server. Always friendly.
  7. Lol if a 100mb/s connection sucks then what's good for you?
  8. NOD32 is the best. Kaspersky is way too "heavy" + it detects a bunch of SAFE apps.
  10. Versus


    There's non because if someone has more than 4 karma, that means he has made good shares and that means he would be in the staff of mxc. So this is quite useless, you'll get no point here.
  11. ontws kobei kwlous file! an dn to exeis dei trexa na to deis ;D
  12. Paidia iremiste.. mi mountarete etsi sto paidi, mporei na mi goustarei na ma8ei java, esas ti sas noiazei? Apla apantiste t auto p 8elei k teleiwse to 8ema. File m dn nomizw na uparxei to pack t lightmagik se alli ekdosi ;D
  13. H L2equal einai basismeni se l2j.. opote pare tis l2j to mmocore k 8a sai gg.
  14. File mi xrisimopoieis sql gia tin buffer s.. otan 8a pernoun polloi players apo tin buffer buffs o server 8a kollaei agria xrisimopoihse JScript kalitera
  15. Paramoni prwtoxronias se kapio club sigoura, me tin parea k etsi =) kata ta alla dn nomizw na paw kana ta3idi ;D
  16. You are WRONG! You are just sending EMPTY packets, which don't affect the server! The server crashes because you are flooding the console with errors. Also serk come on.. be serious, this isn't yours. It was made by DrHouse and implemented to L2JServer when DragonHunter released his attacker.
  17. Even with just sharing the pic of the log i can imagine what you are doing.. It's just another prog sending empty packets and flooding the gs with logs.
  18. 1) There is no single restriction on that - meaning people in combat, flying people or w/e can logout without any problem. 2) Why the hell we should use that when we got the ALT+X logout? It's pointless! Bad.. should be locked....
  19. Something weird happened today so i'm here to ask for your support :-X Everything was normal, the pc was running fine. I downloaded a game and i wanted to burn it in order to play in on PS2. When i inserted the dvd it opened fine but it was saying Space: 0 bytes. Which is odd because the dvd is more than 4 GB. I first thought that it was a problem of the dvd, so i tried about 5 more and still 0 bytes. The dvds i tried were + so i tried - and again 0 bytes. The strangest part of all this is that it can read CD's FINE! I also tried 2 different dvds TDK and one more (i can't remember now). So the problem is not at the DvDs. So guys! I need your help.. If something similar happened to you or you know how to solve this let me know! Thanks ~
  20. I had like 3 pages of cheats at GTA: Vice City. About online, l2 was always a temptation =)
  21. I got 50 euros, a book with jokes and some trousers. The older you get the less presents you get. :/
  22. I would agree with Intrepid on that one. Just loled.
  23. Since you "still learn" use L2jarchid, it has the most fixes and custom things than any other pack.
  24. Upload the configs and i'll fix them for you.
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