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About sunt_cinic@yahoo.com

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  1. And what do you mean about this gives us more example I woud love to hear about tha saga part.
  2. Fast services we exchanged at him a lot of paysafecard totally vouch for it!
  3. We don't need to steal players from low online servers we are happy with the players we have , what players do in other servers is their problem but I can't stop them , report this problem the the administrator of that server to ban the one who spams , what makes you think we are doing this? If the administrator of that server can't handle hes problems , what I can say ? :)
  4. Hello I want to exchange paypal money for webmoney not big amount but more times ex 50 eur You can contact me at adygrierosu skype , I don't go first with not trusted persons on maxcheaters. Thank you.!
  5. No , he is an player how you can manage to talk like that with players when your server have 15 players including the offline counter ? :)
  6. Yea a lot of players left like 20 :))
  7. Pozio with hes retard life tried to leave and make an story about it that's all that happend now he is banned and mythras life can continue without raging emo kids.
  8. Go and take care of your server and don't spam on mythras mythras is a 100x better then your server. ;)
  9. If profesional and respecting players and give them a limit is troll then I am not sure what I do on l2 businez
  10. When you run a server with 5k people real , after come back and talk with me ok?
  11. Why you think my price got increased to 500 euros for the source and the compiled pack to 125? to not make a confusion from this shitty share , enjoy the design!
  12. It's backdoored use it at your own risks.
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