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Everything posted by nikosdevil20

  1. <item id="22101" type="EtcItem" name="Spiritshot Pack - B grade"> <set name="icon" val="br_cashtex.item.br_cash_pack_of_spiritshot_b_i00" /> <set name="default_action" val="capsule" /> <set name="immediate_effect" val="1" /> <set name="crystal_type" val="b" /> <set name="material" val="paper" /> <set name="weight" val="500" /> <set name="is_stackable" val="true" /> <set name="is_premium" val="true" /> <set name="handler" val="ItemSkills" /> <set name="item_skill" val="26069-3" /> </item> change that: <set name="is_stackable" val="true" />
  2. ti pack xrisimopieis? register ekanes ton server?
  3. ayto einai to retail ap oti mou eipe. ayto pou exei hdh apo mono tou diladi..twra dn xerw ti akrivws ginetai..
  4. psaxnei na vrei apo to shop twn gm sto admin panel. ayta thelei na vrei oxi ta html apo ta merchant npc..den to exigise sto topic alla milisame apo pm kai i diadromi pou exei einai ayti <tr><td><a action="bypass -h admin_buy 2012"><font color="LEVEL">Spell Books</font></a></td></tr>
  5. you can compile 1 clean pack from every of client of you say and make your server. you need read 2-3 guides and thats all. you must work and read for understund how servers work. with ready things you never understund anything. with precompiled pack you cant edit your core, you cant add codes-features, you cant fix bugs you cant do anything..you can play only with configs and htmls.. so better read 2-3 guides and learn compile. for compile you need 3-4 minutes and you are ready is not something hard
  6. if you want pay for buy a pack the topic must moved on marketplace section. if you want find free, best pack doesnt exists. but better make your pack. the most of packs are bugged, with problems, 100% unbalanced etc. we dont know what mean best pack for you..maybe full customs,maybe not, maybe retail like,maybe full pvp x50000000000000....so better read some guides and make your pack with features of you want.
  7. Hello guys. i have make 1 new community Board for freya-hi5 l2j packs. That community board include gmshop,services (wherhouse, symbol maker, buy noblesse, and more), donate manager, teleporter, top server stats(pvp/pk, online time, announcements etc). Every day i update that community board with more new features.That community board now works on freya l2j pack and is not tested on h5 but with some adapts it work. in that sale includes support for import the code etc. for more info you can contact me on skype : nikosdevilakos and everyone of want test the features im available for show that with teamviewer or i can give the server ip for login and test. sometimes maybe some features doesnt work because i update that community board every day as i say and before. ( if the costumer buy this community board he take FULL working without missing features or something). that video is for have the first look from that board: payment method via paypal or if the costumer is from Greece we can talk about payment. p.s: About haters, the community board base is shared here. BUT, i have fix tons of bugs like top players, raidbossed status, added gmshop, teleporter, services manager,donate manager etc. I have change 90 % of html part,i have change 80% of community board features. p.s2: If you dont like that topic, just leave from here and dont leave shitty comments. UPDATE: added buffer. soon with scheme buffs UPDATE2: added scheme buffer, changed html style, etc. Soon Ready for l2j h5 version last revision. UPDATE 3: added some things in html style,changed buffer html style Photo from update 3: Buffer: That table is inside every community board feature for faster moves:
  8. i dont know what method have in valakas for find the requiement players search in code maybe you find somthing about that..search for private static final int etc
  9. pare to npc ap to hellas tote kai kanto adapt sto diko sou..an exeis errors kane ta post edw na se voithisoume
  10. prepei na valeis sto enterworld.java kapoion kwdika..px otan o player foraei tin armor na tou allazei to xrwma tou name tou player if (((L2PcInstance) target).isWearingHeavyArmor()) activeChar.getAppearance().setNameColor(A1D98); aytos o kwdikas simainei oti otan o player foraei heavy armor na allazei to name color twra prepei na ftiaxeis kati paromoio mono pou anti gia to WearingHeavyArmor sto l2pcinstance.java na ftiaxeis tin idia methodo me to na chekarei an foraei tin sigekrimeni armor. pistevw na vreis ta upoloipa
  11. wraia pigene sto html pou einai prin sou anoixei to multisell kai kanto post edw i kane add sto skype nikosdevilakos
  12. frozen have already 1 auto vote system i think..but if you want pay for other vote system better move the topic to marketplace section
  13. pros to paron epeidi den xerw ti gnwseis exeis, an den gnwrizeis ti simainei compile, diavase guides kai prospathise na kaneis compile arxika kai meta tha matheis kai ta upoloipa. ayto pou sou eipe to paidi pio panw simainei oti prepei na prosthesis kapoion java kwdika sto source sou. opote katalave prwta ti einai to source,pws kaneis compile,pws prostheteis enan java kwdika kai meta tha erthoun apo mona tous ta ypoloipa. an gnwrizeis ayta pou eipa parapanw pes mou na milisoume sto skype.
  14. see in build.xml what ant version need and what java version need and install the requiments
  15. try to adapt it. change the imports and post the errors here if you have
  16. to "You don't have a clan." sto leei epeidi den exeis clan if (player.getClan() == null) { player.sendMessage("You don't have a clan."); return; } an vgaleis ayto to check pou logika ayto to check evgales kai les oti doulepse to npc tha kanei oti na nai. ama dn exeis clan tha petaei errors. opote kati allo einai. dokimase me normal char kai oxi me gm char mipws kai doulepsei
  17. [GR] sorry gia ta ellinika alla gia na sto exigisw sta agglika tha kanw mia wra. loipon. pigene sto svn tou l2j, vres ta files pou s eipa parapanw pou einai kathara xwris ta dika sou edits, kai kanta replace me ta dika sou files kai kane me add sto skype na mpw me teamviewer na sto ftiaxw ap tin arxi
  18. hmmm... anyway. im not mocking Majestic12 for her problem...im mocking other things of all know..for locked topics because moderators dont like for example........
  19. i mean what pack(freya h5). anyway. go to svn and copy paste the retail server.properties, ipconfig.xml and loginserver.properties and pm me with your teamview
  20. download this: http://www.majorgeeks.com/mg/getmirror/simple_port_tester,1.html and check if the ports are opened. that program says you 100% if are opened or not
  21. yes thats the needed for display dmg in screen systemmsg-e.dat
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