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Everything posted by Blane

  1. There's a technique with PHP but I'm too busy to write the code and test it out.
  2. I give 1 week (maybe less) that you'll return back here. MxC is like a drug for some people ;)
  3. All of its features are great, I've seen all of them, but you know, it's not going to help in any signature technique really.Maybe in rendering and retouches, some animations and stuff.Not really in Avatars/Signatures.You could work with CS4 for these stuff, there won't be any big change in those.Especially I like the Mini-Bridge feature, the content-aware of course and the Puppet Warp tool.The healing brush has some improvements too. I think I got some links but I'm not sure if they're working... -Blane
  4. I think there's no working cs5 out there yet. I'm looking for it too anyway.
  5. Too much laughing in this topic :P GrisoM, Sofaki, I lol'd...
  6. And why you show it to us? Are you kidding now or what? This could be easily considered as a spam topic.You just put a render, a text and an empty background and you present it as your work? C'mon, you know that you're newbie, so go on, read some tuts, and then come back to show us your work. Damn, this section needs some serious rules..
  7. Srtick away from that "CLASSIC" !!! http://www.demo.dzinerstudio.com/ Choose one from the premium.I liked Express with some changes maybe to colors (red let's say)... Wondering... there's no really a minor reason for not change to vB (the most powerful forum platform till now)... -Blane
  8. Lame? Change this stupid theme god damn it. It has nothing nice one it. We need something bright, bigger fonts, get introduced to the new Web 2.0 standards, get updated, at last!!! And you guys say no? At least the theme could change, c'mon!!! Sorry for being rude, it's just my opinion! -Blane
  9. iPhone <3 Τέλος.
  10. You have to have the psd, otherwise it's ripping. -Blane
  11. At least an honest one, remove bevel from text, for better results. -Blane
  12. The puppet thingy, seems like the regular warp tool (much better ofc, but not that impressive).The second one is REALLY impressive.It's an upgrade which should be critical even for mac cause they had a bug with loading photos externally. Glad to hear it thanks, -Blane
  13. Εκεί ήμουν σήμερα :)
  14. They're alright for everythin' <3 with proofs ;)
  15. SQL is a database-language...That way you could add LISP too.Get serious.C++ is by far the best language for every single use you want.With it, you can handle everything ig you know the language... That's my opinion :) -Blane
  16. Shouldn't it be considered as an advertise.I mean, c'mon you ask an opinion for this one too? Enough with this [RATE ME PLIX] topics :/ No offense...
  17. Να μάθεις εδώ δύσκολο.Είναι προγραμματισμός και design, και εδώ μπορείς να κοιτάξεις μόνο για το 2ο στην ενότητα του Photoshop.Μπορώ αν θες να σου κατασκευάσω εγώ τη σελίδα.Αν ενδιφέρεσε στείλε μου κάποιο ΠΜ. Αν ψάχνεσε για μόνος σου τότε πρέπει να μάθεις καλά PHP+MySQL, XHTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT. Cheers, -Blane
  18. The signature from the video tutorial is crap believe me ;) Users have now grown up.Everybody is getting really better day-by-day and I'm glad to see this situation, if you imagine that when I made the tutorial only few people knew what Photoshop is.The tutorial is not teaching you the Dodge/Burn tools the Depth, the Lighting sources the Sharpening, the Smudge [advanced] technique and all these stuff, which I personally consider as advanced.Though it can really help you understanding some basics (even if I really think you already got it), and do some serious experiments. If this is your first effort, then you have a talent boy.Keep it up ;) -Blane
  19. TheEnd can you link me the book you're reading on C++, cause I've started before a couple of weeks to study, but I don't like mine :) Appreciated, -Blane
  20. Blane


    Don't advertise you invite-hungry-biatch! :P
  21. Blane


    Αμα βρεις φως, να πας από την άλλη.Αϊντε εδώ μέσα..
  22. Finally, someone said it. It looks really pretty, matching colors, nice depth.A slight change on the lighting may be good. Good job!
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